Tag Archives: design

Why Your Flash Website Needs a Redesign by Raleigh's Web Design Experts

Don’t let Flash web design hold you back. Whether you’re a Raleigh web designer, small business owner or eCommerce marketing manager, it’s time to say goodbye to Adobe Flash and start reaping the benefits of modern web design techniques.

When you launched your website years ago, designing with Adobe Flash probably seemed like a good idea; your Raleigh web design firm created an attractive site with cutting edge graphics. But if your Flash website hasn’t delivered the marketing results you expected, there’s a reason: Flash isn’t search engine-friendly…and in many cases, it isn’t even user-friendly.

Still using Flash? Here’s why it’s time for a website redesign:

  • Flash is bad for SEO. Flash files are basically invisible to search engines, meaning that if your site is entirely Flash web design, potential customers are unlikely to see you in Google search results and you’re missing out on the number one source of online lead generation.
  • Flash hurts your mobile marketing strategy. Recent data predicts that by 2015, mobile web use will eclipse desktop internet use. But if you have a Flash website, you’ll be left in the dust. iPhones, iPads and many other mobile devices aren’t compatible with Flash, meaning your website simply won’t show up.
  • Flash is harder to update. Because Flash elements are difficult to integrate with a CMS (content management system), they’re harder and more expensive to change…meaning many Flash websites have become outdated.
  • Flash isn’t user-friendly. Besides being slower, Flash websites also require users to have an up-to-date Adobe plug-in in order to view the site.
  • Flash isn’t open-source. Because Flash is proprietary Adobe software, your site relies on a third party to display information. Open standard software like HTML5 offers greater accessibility for your Raleigh website viewers — no Adobe plug-in required.

Attractive, interactive web design — no Flash required!

With modern web design techniques, there’s no need to rely on Adobe Flash for attractive graphics and interactive website elements. Open standard programming languages like HTML5 offer the best alternative, enabling Raleigh web designers and developers to create all the design features of a Flash website, with none of the negative effects.

So when you’re ready to for a new website design, say no to Flash. Equip your website for optimal search engine rankings and lead conversion — choose high-end, custom web design from a Raleigh web design company like Click Optimize.

Web design is dead!

Before people become too incredulous with this statement this author believes no. Web design is not dead, neither are the firms who are offering such services dead. It was something I heard recently with regard to the proliferation of blog publishing systems and with many sites offering free templates.With the apparent availability of a cheap instant web presence, is there is any need for anyone to sit down any more and learn how to create a website from scratch and all the programming and design skills that this demands, and subsequently for any business to invest in the people who offer that service? Well obviously this statement is something of an insult to all the talented designers and programmers out there, and the million of students investing time into learning these skills, and fortunately the statements are wide of the mark. Businesses do want to hire web design companies, and personally I think it’s in their interests to do so. The purpose of this article is not to simply knock creators of templates, as they are designers themselves – it is simply to suggest that there is sometimes there is an alternative, that will pay dividends in the long run.

Businesses want to cut corners, the market is tough globally – when faced with the choice of spending $5,000 on a site and less than a $100.00 for some businesses it is an easy choice. There are millions of ready to go websites out there, some are stunning, some are quite frankly not. Some are dated, some are not. But my advice to any business would be not to dive into the ‘cheap end’ immediately.

Having a professional web design company design a bespoke website will enhance your brand, it isn’t a necessarily a question of avoiding duplication, i.e risking choosing a cheap template another company is using, it’s about starting your own perception of your business on a strong footing, giving you the confidence in your brand from the outset. A professional web design company will be able to work with you from the ground up to achieve a brand you can be proud of. If you work with a committed web design team from the start they can grow with your company, understand your goals and react to your changing business goals. In that sense they become a valued extra member of your team.

It’s understandable why many businesses strive to cut costs, especially start-up businesses, but in today’s crowded markets and where your on-line presence has become critical, it’s worth listing your web presence on your list of costs as high as your office IT requirements.

Web Portal Development: 5 Things You Need To Ask Your Potential Web Portal Designer

It is not difficult to find web portal designers: post your project requirements on any freelance site and dozens of freelancers will contact you within 24 hours. However, choosing the right designer for your web portal development project is not easy. Unless you have hands-on experience with web development or web design, you will not be able to separate the wheat from the chaff.

You must look for experienced designers – an inexperienced web designer will not be able to take complete responsibility of your project. Also, it is important that your web portal designer is creative: you won’t do yourself any favors by hiring an experienced designer whose only ability is using ready-made templates to create boring, flavorless sites. Once you shortlist 5-6 of the best resumes, you need to dig a little deeper. To find out if they are worthy of working on your project, ask the following questions to your potential web portal designers:

Are your previous clients happy with your work?
Your best bet is to talk to your friends and colleagues. If they praise a designer who has worked with them in the past, you have found a reliable designer. But if you can’t find the right person that way, the next best thing is to ask for references. Talk to 3-4 companies the designer has previously worked with, and ask them if they are happy with his work. If a number of people say that he is good, chances are he is good.

Have you worked on similar projects before?
If you want to design an ecommerce site, or if you are looking for someone to design a community portal for you, you need someone who has done similar work. If you want an ecommerce site, you need a web portal designer who is aware of all the elements that go into making such a site. You will increase your chances of getting a good website by entrusting your web portal development project to someone who has worked on a similar project.

Do you have creative ideas to engage the audience?
If you are selling something, providing a particular service or you want the people who visit your site to react in a particular way, you need a creative and interactive format that inspires the users to take action. Ask your potential web portal designer about his approach. Find out if he can accomplish this task by using creative design elements.

Do you use Flash and Java?
There are three types of designers out there. One uses a lot of Flash and Java elements, making it difficult for the reader to focus on any particular part of your website. The second type of designer shuns all Flash and Java as window dressing. The third type of web portal designer uses it in moderation. Ask your candidate about his ideas regarding the use of animation; also, ask him how he intends to use such elements to make your website more attractive.

Do you adhere to standard web development practices?
Considering the fact that you do not have an in-house team of designers working on your web portal development project, many different designers may work on your website from time to time. Ask your candidate if he adheres to standard Web 2.0 standards. If your website is built using standard practices, it is easier for other developers and designers to make changes to it.