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What are software patents?

Computers have become the integral part of our lives. People use it for an amount of personal and specialist purposes. You could find a quantity of software applications and tools meant for a number of businesses. Computer system is a blend of both hardware and software; hence it could be termed as your intellectual property. Hence people following making dissimilar software applications and packages are seen going for a patent office to register it in their name. But the problem of software patents is seen being a very much controversial issue with myriad of them are seen demanding to abolish the plan of software patents . They have their own reasons of opposing it, yet you could find an amount of merits involved in this idea. This is the basic reason, why you could still patents in software world existing.

Patents, which are given to software programs and techniques along with the other computer implemented ideas and invention fall under the term called as software patents. The patents have the elements like feature of an invention that could be implemented partially or completely with the help of the software. Additionally, with the help of patents, you could even cover things like supplementary hardware implementations or enjoy
business method patents. In this fashion, people going for a patent for their software application idea or programs are able to enjoy full ownership of their products without even worrying much about its misuse or exploitation.

You will not find any standard definition for the software patent since it lacks behind any universally accepted definition. However, the definition from Foundation for Free Facts Infrastructure (FFII) is considered as the standard ones. It says that software patent is category of patent that works on the basis of any performance of computer, which is realized by any means of a computer program. The basic reason, why the attorneys simply avoid discussing this subject is that it has hardly any legal effects under the current laws found in US. The similar is the story found in Europe, wherein the plan of software patent has not much consequence.

The purpose of software patent in United States includes empowering the innovators to secure their rights over their software creation. Thus at large it simply helps the one who has created the software program along with the community where he or she lives. It just helps people in giving the proper kind of justice to the innovator and the creator of the particular software program in this way it benefits each person. The software patents ideas though could be seen as a controversial one, but still it comes with a quantity of benefits, which comes for the innovators and developers.

What is high definition plasma cutting?

By definition steel is extremely tough and hard to cut. Thankfully, there are several technologies and machines that have been specifically designed to cut and shape all grades and thicknesses of steel. High definition plasma machines are one such technology that offers incredible accuracy and efficiency when cutting mild steel, stainless steel and aluminium between 3mm-25mm.

In this article, we explore the process of high def plasma cutting and how it compares to other cutting technologies such as oxy fuel.

Plasma cutting basics
Plasma cutting is a process that involves blowing a gas (oxygen, air, inert and others) at high speed out of a nozzle, while at the same time sending an electrical arc through the gas turning it into plasma. The plasma is hot enough to cut metal and moves fast enough to blow the molten metal away from the cut.

High definition plasma (aka HD plasma, CNC plasma, and high density plasma) is the latest in plasma cutting technologies, in which the plasma arc is forced through a smaller nozzle to achieve cleaner, squarer cut edges while at the same time achieving acceptable parts life in the torch.

Modern high def plasma machines can achieve amperages from 130 to 800 and cut carbon steel up to 76mm thick, however it works best on thickness between 3mm-25mm. The technology also allows for high levels of automation, adding to the quality, speed and ease of use and making it the method of choice for metal fabricators worldwide.

HD Plasma vs Oxy fuel Cutting
HD plasma is one option among several other steel cutting technologies, including oxy fuel and laser. Each has been developed for use in different applications. For instance, plasma cutting is ideal for cutting steel and non-ferrous metals, including mild steel, aluminium and stainless steel. It is typically much faster on thinner materials (less than 25mm thick) and is more efficient on non-linear cuts than oxy fuel machines.

For heavier section steels (up to 300mm thick), oxy fuel cutting becomes more efficient as it can cut faster at these thicknesses while using less power. The immense heat that is produced can cause warping on thinner sheet metal, which is another reason why plasma cutting is better for these materials.

Further, as oxy cutting cuts by burning the metal, the process is limited to metals that support the oxidisation process, thus excluding aluminium and stainless steel. For these metals, again, high definition plasma is best.

What is high definition plasma cutting?

By definition steel is extremely tough and hard to cut. Thankfully, there are several technologies and machines that have been specifically designed to cut and shape all grades and thicknesses of steel. High definition plasma machines are one such technology that offers incredible accuracy and efficiency when cutting mild steel, stainless steel and aluminium between 3mm-25mm.

In this article, we explore the process of high def plasma cutting and how it compares to other cutting technologies such as oxy fuel.

Plasma cutting basics
Plasma cutting is a process that involves blowing a gas (oxygen, air, inert and others) at high speed out of a nozzle, while at the same time sending an electrical arc through the gas turning it into plasma. The plasma is hot enough to cut metal and moves fast enough to blow the molten metal away from the cut.

High definition plasma (aka HD plasma, CNC plasma, and high density plasma) is the latest in plasma cutting technologies, in which the plasma arc is forced through a smaller nozzle to achieve cleaner, squarer cut edges while at the same time achieving acceptable parts life in the torch.

Modern high def plasma machines can achieve amperages from 130 to 800 and cut carbon steel up to 76mm thick, however it works best on thickness between 3mm-25mm. The technology also allows for high levels of automation, adding to the quality, speed and ease of use and making it the method of choice for metal fabricators worldwide.

HD Plasma vs Oxy fuel Cutting
HD plasma is one option among several other steel cutting technologies, including oxy fuel and laser. Each has been developed for use in different applications. For instance, plasma cutting is ideal for cutting steel and non-ferrous metals, including mild steel, aluminium and stainless steel. It is typically much faster on thinner materials (less than 25mm thick) and is more efficient on non-linear cuts than oxy fuel machines.

For heavier section steels (up to 300mm thick), oxy fuel cutting becomes more efficient as it can cut faster at these thicknesses while using less power. The immense heat that is produced can cause warping on thinner sheet metal, which is another reason why plasma cutting is better for these materials.

Further, as oxy cutting cuts by burning the metal, the process is limited to metals that support the oxidisation process, thus excluding aluminium and stainless steel. For these metals, again, high definition plasma is best.