Tag Archives: dedicated hosting

Dedicated Hosting vs. Cloud Hosting

There are many web hosting options and two of these are dedicated hosting and cloud hosting. There are advantages and disadvantages to both and these are outlined below.

Dedicated hosting is where a web server is entirely dedicated to your website and, unlike shared hosting, isn’t shared with other websites. With your website being the only one on a server it prevents the problem of other sites having an impact on yours.

With cloud hosting you can make use of several servers as required. These are available as and when you need them. Rather than having a physical server (or more than one) that you are paying for all of the time, you use the resources you require at any particular time and pay accordingly. This means that should you suddenly require more resource you can use it, but without paying for it when you are not using it. Essentially, you pay for what you are using at any particular time.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Dedicated Hosting

The main advantage of dedicated hosting is that you are not sharing servers with other websites. This means the entire resource of the server is dedicated to your site. For example, bandwidth for the server is not shared amongst other websites. The lack of other sites makes dedicated hosting very reliable. Unlike shared hosting, problems with other sites cannot impact you. Dedicated hosting can be pricey, though, compared with other forms of hosting as it often means website owners are paying for resources they don’t require. Dedicated hosting is a good option for websites where traffic is consistently high. The bandwidth of dedicated hosting may be required and if traffic is steady it is easier to decide how much resource is needed.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Cloud Hosting

Paying for what you use is an obvious benefit. Cloud hosting means having extra resource available to you but not having to pay for it all of the time. Cloud hosting is beneficial for growing businesses. It allows them to easily adapt their hosting as they require more resource. Websites with fluctuating traffic can also benefit. It means having the option to use extra server space when traffic is high but without having to pay for it when traffic is low. Seasonal businesses, for example those who are particularly busy at Christmas or during the summer, are amongst those who should consider cloud hosting. With several servers being used cloud hosting can increase reliability. The overall load is balanced across different servers, meaning less reliability on one server. There are obvious advantages to cloud hosting but also some downsides. Unlike with dedicated hosting, you don’t have access to a server. This means being dependant on third-party providers and having less control. Though improving, security can also be an issue, with websites being more vulnerable to hackers.

Dedicated Hosting or Cloud Hosting?

Different options are suitable to different websites. Dedicated hosting might be preferable for established websites or those which are highly sensitive, while cloud hosting can be the better option for sites where traffic fluctuates or is expected to increase over time.

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Virtual Private Servers are Suitable for Business

VPS hosting has been a game changer in the world of web hosting and has become hugely popular amongst small and medium sized businesses today. Finding the right website hosting medium has always been a dilemma for businesses; shared hosting seems limiting and is open to risks while dedicated hosting can be well beyond your budgets. Virtual Private Servers on the other hand offer you a happy medium where you get all the benefits of dedicated hosting at costs that are not dissimilar to shared hosting.

VPS hosting: How does it work?

These servers are created by using virtualization software that can separate one server into several smaller ones. Each of these servers is a functional, networked server in its own right and its performance is not affected by its neighbors. What makes this service so special is the fact that it gives you the control that you have come to expect of dedicated hosting but without having to pay those kind of costs.

VPS hosting and its benefits

• It offers your website stability because it won’t get affected by heavy traffic like it does in case of shared hosting.
• Performance of your website is also dramatically improved and it will load much faster, as you’d like it to.
• You have all the benefits of dedicated hosting including more bandwidth, RAM, CPU and disk space as well.
• You can choose the software and operating system you want to install, which gives you huge amount of flexibility.
• And you get all these benefits at very reasonable costs, so you don’t have to overstretch your budgets.

VPS hosting: Things you should look for

There are different services and features that are a hallmark of these servers. They often vary from one service provider to another and have to be chosen based on your individual needs.
• You can get root access, which will enable you to be in charge of your account, right from software you want to install to configurations.
• Although you can manage your own website, you can also opt for support from the technical team, which can be of huge help.
• Many providers also monitor servers, thus protecting your website from the threat of hackers and viruses.
• You can also opt for the option of hosting multiple domains, which is an added bonus.
• You also need to ensure that you get data backup from your service provider.
VPS hosting is a safe, smart and cost effective option for you.