Tag Archives: connect

Should You be Using a VPN?

You may already know what a VPN, or Virtual Private Network, is but are you using one? If you’re not using one, there’s a high likelihood that you really should be using a VPN. When it comes to the reasons why there are a number of them. But before we get into those it would probably be beneficial to review exactly what a VPN is for those of you out there that don’t know.

A VPN, according to Wikipedia, is “a technology for using the Internet or another intermediate network to connect computers to isolated remote computer networks that would otherwise be inaccessible.” Utilizing a VPN will give a user varying levels of security so that the traffic sent through the connection stays isolated from other computers on the immediate network. They can be used to connect individual users to a remote network or even to connect multiple networks together, depending upon the needs of the user. In doing so it gives users the ability to access resources on remote networks, such as databases, files, or printers. Also, due to the way VPN’s function it gives users the impression that they are directly connected to the central network.

One of the most significant things to know about a VPN though is that it secures your computer’s Internet connection to guarantee that all of the data you’re sending and receiving is encrypted and secured from prying eyes. This very reason is why VPN’s should probably be utilized more often by businesses and their employees. Also, a VPN alone is just a way to reinforce your security and access resources on a network you’re not physically connected to.

So why does all this matter? It matters because there is a growing trend within today’s workforce for employees to work remotely or while on the road. As a result, there are many times when that employee is using a public wifi connection to perform their work which can pose a major security risk depending upon the data being transferred. This security risk occurs because many people don’t realize that it isn’t too terribly difficult for snoopers to capture that data. So whether it’s what you’re writing in your email messages, posting to your Facebook page, or even buying on-line they are able to capture that with any of the readily accessible and easy-to-use programs that are out there.

Meaning that if the employee is sending sensitive and confidential emails at a local cafe shop those emails have a possibility of being intercepted and the sensitive information contained within them being exposed. Thereby potentially putting your business at risk. Which is definitely not a good thing.

Although there are many more good examples for why you should be using a VPN, for the sake of brevity, we won’t get into them. The main purpose or intent, if you will, in discussing the issue of VPN’s is to inform you as an employee or you as a business owner of the potential security risks that could already be occurring within your business on a day-to-day level and to make sure that you are fully aware of those risks so that you can take the necessary actions to ensure your business isn’t unnecessarily vulnerable.

Social Media Web Design for Small Business (Page 1 of 2)

How important is social media marketing to the small business owner? Well it depends on what you want to achieve with social media. If you are looking to take your brand to a national or global marketplace then yes – invest in social media marketing. If you are a small business whose products and services are primarily geared to servicing your local area, then the question needs to be asked:

‘How much time do you have to dedicate to raising your social media profile and what return on investment will it provide in terms of sales or market growth?

Websites versus Social Media – what to focus on?

Websites make sales, social media pages generally do not. Establishing good search engine rankings for your website should be the first goal for new start-ups so potential customers can find you. Great content and the ability to convert visitors into sales create a successful online campaign.

Building a list should be the prime focus of tapping into the potential of your site traffic, otherwise opportunities are lost. You have the three time convincers, those people who need to connect with you more than once to be convinced to invest in your product or service. List building provides the opportunity to stay in touch with customers that have yet to purchase and gives them a chance to get to know you more.

Social media can help connect at a deeper level with potential customers and used well can drive traffic to your website via promotions and competitions. Integrated with your blog; social media pages can create a coordinated online marketing campaign with your website to build your brand. Most people using social media are doing so for the same purposes as you – to promote themselves and for its social aspect. That means sharing photos, videos, music, humour, inspiration, information, advice and connecting with stars, media and people of interest.

When embarking on an integrated social media campaign you will need to think about what it is that you are going to share (that’s not directly selling) with your followers? What have you got to offer that other people and businesses will find intriguing, inspiring, entertaining or useful?

Building Your Brand – Facebook, Twitter and Blogging

One thing I know is that people want to connect with you personally, they want to see your face on your social media profile not a logo. The exception to this is if you own a well-known magazine, trade journal or charity. Otherwise, my advice is to post a good photo.

Social media web design provides the opportunity to build your brand through images, slogans and profile information. Important is your by-line, if people get what you are about in an instant through the use of visual media and a one liner, the light goes on…connections can be made. When creating your slogan or by-line ask yourself ‘What is your higher purpose’ for doing what you do. Think in terms of how your products and services create value for people, ultimately what is it you are trying to achieve for them?

Social Media Web Design for Small Business (Page 1 of 2)

How important is social media marketing to the small business owner? Well it depends on what you want to achieve with social media. If you are looking to take your brand to a national or global marketplace then yes – invest in social media marketing. If you are a small business whose products and services are primarily geared to servicing your local area, then the question needs to be asked:

‘How much time do you have to dedicate to raising your social media profile and what return on investment will it provide in terms of sales or market growth?

Websites versus Social Media – what to focus on?

Websites make sales, social media pages generally do not. Establishing good search engine rankings for your website should be the first goal for new start-ups so potential customers can find you. Great content and the ability to convert visitors into sales create a successful online campaign.

Building a list should be the prime focus of tapping into the potential of your site traffic, otherwise opportunities are lost. You have the three time convincers, those people who need to connect with you more than once to be convinced to invest in your product or service. List building provides the opportunity to stay in touch with customers that have yet to purchase and gives them a chance to get to know you more.

Social media can help connect at a deeper level with potential customers and used well can drive traffic to your website via promotions and competitions. Integrated with your blog; social media pages can create a coordinated online marketing campaign with your website to build your brand. Most people using social media are doing so for the same purposes as you – to promote themselves and for its social aspect. That means sharing photos, videos, music, humour, inspiration, information, advice and connecting with stars, media and people of interest.

When embarking on an integrated social media campaign you will need to think about what it is that you are going to share (that’s not directly selling) with your followers? What have you got to offer that other people and businesses will find intriguing, inspiring, entertaining or useful?

Building Your Brand – Facebook, Twitter and Blogging

One thing I know is that people want to connect with you personally, they want to see your face on your social media profile not a logo. The exception to this is if you own a well-known magazine, trade journal or charity. Otherwise, my advice is to post a good photo.

Social media web design provides the opportunity to build your brand through images, slogans and profile information. Important is your by-line, if people get what you are about in an instant through the use of visual media and a one liner, the light goes on…connections can be made. When creating your slogan or by-line ask yourself ‘What is your higher purpose’ for doing what you do. Think in terms of how your products and services create value for people, ultimately what is it you are trying to achieve for them?