Tag Archives: computer security

Top 10 Tips On Protecting Your Computer

The one question asked most often by people these days may very well be “How to protect my computer?” People of all ages spend more time on the computer than not these days, which makes computer security—and, in particular, learning how to prevent computer viruses—an issue of paramount importance. Following these 10 tips will dramatically improve your computer security and leave you less likely to ask “How to protect my computer?” after you’ve suffered a breach!

1.) Buy and install anti-virus software: This is the one computer security measure everyone can implement easily and quickly. Simply put, the first thing you should do upon buying a new computer is add the anti-virus software. It won’t completely secure the computer, but a computer without anti-virus software is unsafe.

2.) Buy and install anti-spyware software: Spyware is software that is installed on your computer, without your knowledge, that allows outsiders to get a glimpse at your computer activities. Spyware is usually more annoying than damaging—if you’ve been subjected to pop-up ads, you’re probably a victim of spyware—but still, buying and installing the anti-spyware software will cut out that aggravation and allow your computer to run in a smoother fashion.

3.) Password protect your home and/or office wireless router. If you fail to do so, hackers can worm their way on to your wireless and steal valuable personal information from your computers. This has the added benefit of improving the performance of your wireless Internet: Your signal will be stronger without people in nearby homes and offices stealing it.

4.) Shut off your computer when you’re not using it. Many people like leaving their computers on 24/7 so that they can easily resume work after waking up or returning home. But whenever a computer is on, it is vulnerable to attacks from hackers. A computer that is shut off cannot be infiltrated by the bad guys!

5.) Be careful downloading email attachments. This qualifies as an “old-fashioned” computer security recommendation, but it’s still relevant. Someone from work sent you a Word doc? You’re probably OK. A spammer sent you an attachment in a bizarrely worded email? Delete, delete, delete! Also be careful with an email attachment that has been forwarded to you by someone else. There’s always the chance that the attachment picked up some malicious code at some point.

6.) Change up your passwords. A simple Google search will reveal common passwords you should avoid using. Also make sure your passwords aren’t obvious and predictable to those who know you—in other words, don’t make your passwords the names of your children and don’t include the digits of your birthday or anniversary. Try, whenever possible, to have different passwords for every site, and keep a written document of your passwords in a safe spot.

7.) Regularly back up important data. This falls under the heading of “you can never be too safe.” If, despite all your efforts, something should go terribly wrong and a virus or a hacker renders your computer unusable, at least you won’t lose your vital files.

8.) Update all your software, from your Internet browser to essentials such as Word and Adobe Reader. These updates come with valuable patches that address any security issues that have cropped up since the software was released.

9.) When making purchases on the Internet, only buy from “secured” websites. Failing to do so leaves you vulnerable to identity theft. You can find information about a website’s security level at the bottom of the page.

10.) Be vigilant! The most pivotal part of computer security is asking yourself, every single day, “how to protect my computer?” Daily maintenance of your computer is the best way to keep it safe and operating at peak efficiency!

Top 10 Tips On Protecting Your Computer

The one question asked most often by people these days may very well be “How to protect my computer?” People of all ages spend more time on the computer than not these days, which makes computer security—and, in particular, learning how to prevent computer viruses—an issue of paramount importance. Following these 10 tips will dramatically improve your computer security and leave you less likely to ask “How to protect my computer?” after you’ve suffered a breach!

1.) Buy and install anti-virus software: This is the one computer security measure everyone can implement easily and quickly. Simply put, the first thing you should do upon buying a new computer is add the anti-virus software. It won’t completely secure the computer, but a computer without anti-virus software is unsafe.

2.) Buy and install anti-spyware software: Spyware is software that is installed on your computer, without your knowledge, that allows outsiders to get a glimpse at your computer activities. Spyware is usually more annoying than damaging—if you’ve been subjected to pop-up ads, you’re probably a victim of spyware—but still, buying and installing the anti-spyware software will cut out that aggravation and allow your computer to run in a smoother fashion.

3.) Password protect your home and/or office wireless router. If you fail to do so, hackers can worm their way on to your wireless and steal valuable personal information from your computers. This has the added benefit of improving the performance of your wireless Internet: Your signal will be stronger without people in nearby homes and offices stealing it.

4.) Shut off your computer when you’re not using it. Many people like leaving their computers on 24/7 so that they can easily resume work after waking up or returning home. But whenever a computer is on, it is vulnerable to attacks from hackers. A computer that is shut off cannot be infiltrated by the bad guys!

5.) Be careful downloading email attachments. This qualifies as an “old-fashioned” computer security recommendation, but it’s still relevant. Someone from work sent you a Word doc? You’re probably OK. A spammer sent you an attachment in a bizarrely worded email? Delete, delete, delete! Also be careful with an email attachment that has been forwarded to you by someone else. There’s always the chance that the attachment picked up some malicious code at some point.

6.) Change up your passwords. A simple Google search will reveal common passwords you should avoid using. Also make sure your passwords aren’t obvious and predictable to those who know you—in other words, don’t make your passwords the names of your children and don’t include the digits of your birthday or anniversary. Try, whenever possible, to have different passwords for every site, and keep a written document of your passwords in a safe spot.

7.) Regularly back up important data. This falls under the heading of “you can never be too safe.” If, despite all your efforts, something should go terribly wrong and a virus or a hacker renders your computer unusable, at least you won’t lose your vital files.

8.) Update all your software, from your Internet browser to essentials such as Word and Adobe Reader. These updates come with valuable patches that address any security issues that have cropped up since the software was released.

9.) When making purchases on the Internet, only buy from “secured” websites. Failing to do so leaves you vulnerable to identity theft. You can find information about a website’s security level at the bottom of the page.

10.) Be vigilant! The most pivotal part of computer security is asking yourself, every single day, “how to protect my computer?” Daily maintenance of your computer is the best way to keep it safe and operating at peak efficiency!

Are your IT systems secure? (Page 1 of 2)

Email has changed the world of communication for businesses, but it’s also proven to be highly vulnerable to outside influences. Hackers, scammers and identity thieves are always out there putting your business at risk. All it takes is for one employee to open an email attachment for a virus to infect your whole network – or worse, give unauthorized access to your business’ confidential information. So how can you keep your business safe?

Tips for getting the best computer network security

Hire a computer security consultant When it comes IT security services, professional protection can’t be overrated. With enterprise data issues, you can’t afford to wait for your computer network security to be compromised before taking action. A computer security consultant can customize professional computer security solutions to help you minimize enterprise data risks, avoid data breaches and personal information leaks, and address security risks and malware before you end up being a victim.

Build safe IT systems A computer security consultant can help protect you from hackers by designing computer network security that’s built around limited access to your technology infrastructure. Don’t let the notion of convenience give you a false sense of security when it comes to who should have access. The number of people with access to all of your systems, equipment and software should be limited to you and your most trusted employees. And the best computer security solutions minimize risks with a unique set of email addresses, logins and servers for each user or department.

Protect yourself with passwords A password is the first line of defense against unauthorized access to your computers and networks. But use a weak password, and you make it that much easier for an attacker to gain access. All sensitive data, equipment and wireless networks should be protected with unique usernames and passwords for specific individuals. Strong passwords are harder to crack, even with the latest password-cracking software. Your password should contain letters, numbers and symbols, and it shouldn’t be easy to guess. And if you happen to create a document listing all company passwords, it’s important to encrypt that with its own password as well.

Inoculate your systems with anti-virus software Every computer is vulnerable to a variety of viruses, worms and trojans that lurk on the Internet. These malicious software programs can wreak havoc on your computer network security, damaging your computer and files, or even stealing passwords and stored data. Purchase a good anti-virus software program and make sure that it is always up to date. Some network providers even offer this for free. Also, check to see that your anti-virus software checks for spyware, adware and any other malware that could be hiding on your computer.

Keep confidential data on your own network While Cloud computing helps businesses improve efficiency and cut costs, there are risks involved. The third parties who house your data on remote servers often have their own security issues. When it comes to IT security services, have your computer security consultant keep your confidential data on your own network. Keep it off the Cloud.