Tag Archives: company’s

Guarding Against a Network Breach with Security Testing

As people spend more time shopping on the Internet and less time shopping in stores with cash, it is vitally important for a company’s data to be well-protected from hackers, data thieves and even security breaches from within. There are two ways to find out if a company’s computer network or data server are safe and sound from sabotage. One is to wait and see if it is hacked and compromised. The other is to do security penetration testing and fix any problems before they occur. The second option is a better business practice and, in the long run, less expensive.

Reputation Consumers do not want to do business with a company that will not protect their personal data, such as credit cards, names, telephone numbers and addresses. Even if the data is only used for an e-mail distribution list, customers will hesitate to trust the company in the future. If sensitive data is used to make credit card purchases or compromise the bank accounts of customers and contacts, it won’t take long for them to find out. When they do, the business owner can be sure that everyone the person knows – and the press – will probably hear about it, too. Keep in mind that not only will consumers avoid a company that cannot keep information safe, they will not want to make any types of purchases or use its website – even after it has been fixed.

Financial Ruin Capturing information from a company’s database for e-commerce or even day-to-day operations can force them out of business. Compromising a company’s server can not only cause problems with data, the company’s bank accounts and online e-commerce user names and passwords can be captured as well. This means that funds can be spent without the company’s knowledge until a red flag is raised. For those with loosely structured accounting departments, this is detrimental to a company’s financial health.

Solution By hiring a reputable application testing or penetration testing specialist, a business owner or manager can find out whether their applications, database and computer information can be easily hacked. Referred to in the industry as ethical hacking, a series of popular hacking techniques are tested on the website, network or database to see whether the target can be breached. After the test results have been obtained, expert consultation is done to limit the possibility of breaches or future episodes.

Time Frame The process of hacking into a company’s database or website may take only a matter of seconds, minutes or days for the malicious competitor or money-hungry thief.. Cleaning up the mess left behind could take the business weeks, months or years. Some companies never recover. Penetration testing by a reputable and thorough penetration testing contractor usually takes one to two weeks. Rather than rush through the process in two to three days, the specialist uses a number of methods and attempts a number of entries before stating whether a business’ system is adequately protected. Most vulnerabilities can be fixed within a week.

London Web Design And Branding Company

Understanding What A Brand Is and Isn’t
Branding is less about getting target market customers to choose your company over the competition and more about getting your target market to see that your company is the only one that provides a solution to their problem.
London web Design Company will clarify what the objectives that an effective brand must achieve:
• Delivers the message clearly
• Confirms your credibility
• Connects your target prospects emotionally
• Motivates the buyer
• Cements user loyalty
It’s important to understand that you won’t succeed in branding unless you understand the needs and wants of your customers and prospects. You do this by integrating your brand strategies throughout your company at every point of public contact.
Your brand resides within the hearts and minds of your customers, clients and prospects. It is the sum total of their experiences and perceptions, some of which you can influence and some of which you cannot.
Because businesses battle day-in and day-out to not only retain existing customers but gain new ones, having a strong brand can be invaluable. It’s important that you spend time in researching, defining and strengthening your brand. After all, your brand is something of a promise to your customers. It’s the foundational piece of your marketing communications, and something you don’t want to be without.

It’s important to define your company’s brand identity (or product’s personality) before you spend any money at all on advertising or marketing. Many people mistakenly use the terms branding, marketing, public relations and advertising interchangeable, but they’re not the same. If you start spending money on marketing, public relations and advertising without first establishing a solid brand, you’ll find that it is money wasted. Branding happens before these other activities.
At Kings Cross Media, London leading Web Design Company, they first create the brand and then then raise awareness of it.
Branding isn’t just about awareness; it’s about your personality. Most people are aware of cancer, but how many people want it? Branding is about getting your customers to see you as the only solution to their problem. Once you’re viewed as “the only” such company, there’s suddenly no other place for your customers to go. This means your customers will pay a premium for your brand.
Your product or service is not your brand and neither is your logo or business card. Your brand is the genuine personality of your business. Your brand is what your company stands for and what it is known for. Look in the mirror and ask yourself what you stand for and then go around the room and ask company leaders what they think the company stands for. Settle on one or two brand pillars and build your brand around them. If you can’t define your brand, then your customers won’t be able to either. And then you run the risk of having someone else define your brand for you – probably one of your competitors.
Think of a brand as a promise and branding as the act of devising the promise your company makes to the world. Marketing, on the other hand, is the strategy that differentiates your company’s brand promise from all the other brand promises offered by companies in your industry sector. Marketing is like a toolbox that contains branding, advertising, direct mail, market research, public relations and other business development tools.
Your brand is your lifestyle so if you haven’t taken the time to specify your company’s brand, doesn’t spend another dime on marketing, advertising or public relations activities until you do.

Major Reasons How Social Media Can Help Your Business

Many small business owners think that social media is not for them. Some think that it’s only for kids, while others think that it leads to unhealthy competition among their own websites. Many business owners ignore the usefulness of social media. But here are the 7 major reasons how social media can help your business. Especially if you have any financial website, social media sites helps a lot to draw a large number of visitors to your website.

  • Become a part of the correspondence:
  • Social media is becoming an integral part of every individual’s life. People are looking for more and more ways to make social networking sites part of their daily life. So if you want to appear on the websites where potential consumers spend time, make the best use of the latest advances in technology. According to the recent research, every 20 minutes Facebook members ‘like’ pages 7.6 million times. It is also estimated that 51 percent of active Twitter users follow companies, brands and products on social networks.

  • Acknowledgment of your brand:
  • Marketing 101 teaches us that we need to be where our customers are. Social media allows your company to reach millions and millions of potential customers where they can automatically stumble upon your brand while browsing social sites. So if you want to get exposure, post your information and message on the networking sites. Studies have also demonstrated that people have to hear (or see) your company’s name at least nine times before they decide to buy your products or services. New consumer research indicates that over 50 percent of Facebook fans and Twitter followers are likely to trust and respect a company whom they know through social media.

  • Increase your value on major search engines:
  • Many social media sites are now integrated with search engines. If you are looking for a local restaurant, Google will likely reveal all the social media pages of area restaurants, such as Facebook, Twitter, Urbanspoon and Yelp. You may review pages and see what your friends or other local diners think about the restaurants. Create your social profile rich in keywords and quality content that can help you generate traffic to social media, and in turn you company’s website.

  • Niche marketing:
  • Finding the target audience is a tough job for any kind of marketing campaign. You can use social media outlets and can create social media profiles to target your current and potential customers based on specific interests and demographics.

  • Generate traffic to your site:
  • Creating interesting media pages to your company’s website and posting inspiring messages on it, you can generate traffic to your website that would otherwise be unattainable.

  • Monitor your brand:
  • Being a part of the online correspondence, you can establish your business ethics and morality, and can demonstrate your business reputation. You can respond to negative comments and reviews, and can defend the inaccuracies that exist.

  • Share your events:
  • Social networking sites, such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter & Myspace also allow you to post and share events with the potential visitors. Facebook also provides you with a social proof by allowing you to see which of your acquaintances are attending the event.

    In conclusion, these are the seven major reasons how social media can help your business and why it is so important.