Tag Archives: business
Different ways of building website traffic effectively
For any online business to succeed, it is important to direct traffic to the website. Without traffic or visitors, a website has no chance to make any sales and the online home business will fail. It is therefore very important to know how to drive traffic to your website.
You can drive traffic to your website on any budget within your means, and this blog shall enlist the many regularly used and effective ways through which you can build traffic to your website.
1)First on the list is to provide fresh, unique and rich content on your website so that a sustainable stream of visitors will keep coming back. People go online to look for information and also buy what they need. It is therefore important for you to have high quality and unique content on your website so that visitors to your website will spend more time on your website, bookmark your website and also buy from you eventually. In addition, if you have lots of useful information on your website, you will be considered as an expert in your niche, and you will therefore easily get customers through your influence.
2)By using suitable tools and some research for related keywords , it is important to optimize your website for search engines. In order for your site to be found on the search engines when people are looking for information, it has always been a rewarding practice to make sure that your niche keywords and phrases are in your headlines and in the rest of the content on your website. This means that your website will show up and will rank high when people look for those keywords which are optimised on your website, Then, when more and more visitors find your website, more traffic has been built up to your website.
3)When you have spare money for higher advertising budget, you may plan to drive targeted traffic or visitors of purpose -those visitors who are more intending to buy to your website using PPC (Pay per Click) advertising. If you have the money to pay for the advertising, you can run an advert with Google Adwords or Yahoo Overture to send traffic to your website.
4)By writing and submitting articles prove to be another way to bring in lots of visitors. This is a very powerful tool for driving traffic to your website when these readers turned visitors want to find out more from your website after reading your articles. In all your articles, make sure you have a resources box or authors biography which will display your websites URL. After reading your article, people will want to visit your website, so the more articles you write the more traffic you will drive to your website.
5)Through participation in targeted forums by making useful comments or opinions for other members, you are giving publicity and advertisment to your website free of charge.. This is one of the most effective ways of driving traffic to your website. Make useful posts in the forums that are related to your niche, and have your website link in your signature.
6)Using viral marketing by giving away free e-books or short reports being linked to your website is another successful way that will drive traffic to your website.
7)Similarly, use of video marketing by creating a video about your product or service that you offer on your website and post that on YouTube. When you embed your website link on that video, and when viewers follow the link, you have build up traffic for your website.
By carrying out the seven tips outlined above, you are assured of a lot of traffic to your website, likelihood in boosting your sales and growing your online business profits.
Gateway security is vitally important
A gateway is a node, usually a router that is located on a TCP/IP Network which provides access to another network. The other network is the Internet. A gateway is the connection between the Internet and your local network. This is why gateway security is vitally important.
Without gateway security, your network, and the computers, users and data on it, is exposed to security threats coming from the Internet. It is a menace for home owners and businessmen. It can have disastrous consequences on your business, especially if you are dealing with sensitive information like client/customer details. A security threat in terms of gateway security refers to the threats that may infect your computer through your gateway (router). This includes spyware, spam, content security, viruses and malicious software and policy enforcement and data leakage prevention. The list is not exhaustive since it only outlines some of the most common network security threats. Hackers are always on the prowl to innovate new ways to target networks which is why it is no longer sufficient to just have an anti-virus software installed and/or a software firewall. The most foolproof way to limit your exposure to these types of threats is to have multi-layer prevention solutions.
You can browse the Web to know about gateway security solutions providers online. Solutions range from email security solutions to general network security. Some service providers provide hardware and award winning consultancy services including network analysis, installation, support and management. Security is vital for every organization. It is vital for every sized organization. It is highly recommended that every organization, big or small should opt for gateway security solutions. Online service providers are familiar with every aspect of the installation, operation and support of the gateway security appliances. Their range of content management appliances offer a rich feature set for filtering, controlling and blocking employee’s access to malicious, dangerous or otherwise inappropriate web content for maximum gateway security protection.
Email has assumed tremendous importance. It continues to be a vital business tool for businesses. However, it also acts as a gateway for malicious attacks against individuals and businesses. These attacks can be broadly classified into two forms- deluging the victim with spam email or delivering malicious software (malware). Malicious software can be delivered via links or email attachments. The costs of reductions in productivity, destruction or theft of data, stolen identities and other breaches of security originating via an email attack can be disastrous. Email gateway security appliances can protect your business from all forms of email attack with high-tech anti-spam technology and the power to filter malware in any form. Reputed service providers can install, operate and support the entire range.
Gateway security should not be neglected. Thanks to gateway security solutions, you can minimize threats coming from the Internet. You no longer need to worry about network security and disaster recovery. These issues can well be taken care of.
Totally Search Engine Marketing – Back to the Mill!
Totally for a long time have been an up and coming Search engine marketing leader providing quality search engine marketing for any budget simply because they take a more tailored and upfront approach to SEO.
Lets face it, end of the day the search engine marketing industry has a bad name, everyone knows of someone somewhere they have put money into internet marketing for it not to pay off and cost, or worse, in this recession, put the business out of business.
Totally have developed 3 simple rules to make sure that the business that you are looking to purchase off are what and who they say.
Portfolio – ask to see each and every customer result that they have secured recently, if the search engine marketing company can not deliver results from their customers, then they are most likely not going to be able to deliver results for you.
Ask about – Talk to their customers, don’t just take it as red that the search engine marketing company will do as they say simply because they are going to be charging you a lot of money, its more money to loose if you back the wrong horse!
meet them, may search engine marketing companies are freelancers that don’t operate from a stable address, go to there offices, check out what they do, after all you need to know if you can work with them.
We have recently renovated our new Mill (working back at’ Mill) Where you are more then welcome to join us for a cup of tea to talk about your design requirements, viral marketing or search engine marketing, we will even make you a cup of tea.
We are award winning and provide cheap SEO, Search Engine Marketing and direct solutions. We don’t hide behind technical jargon, we take the mumbo jumbo out of SEO, deliver fast results and guaranteed top5 rakings, and if we fail, we give you your money back!
For help in the world of search engine marketing, free advice or just someone to talk to you and point you in the right direction, contact us, any time.