Tag Archives: business

Why the Agile Scrum Methodology Best Suits Modern-Day Companies

If you are any bit interested in how project management has evolved in this day and age, you would know full well that the agile scrum methodology is one of the best methodologies to take on. You would already be aware that scrum has gone above and beyond the realm of software development, and has been implemented in a very wide variety of industries. But have you really, truly thought about why this is so, or do you just know this because it’s popular opinion?

If you’re leaning more towards the latter, then it’s high time you knew that scrum’s popularity is due to its being a very modern, very forward-thinking kind of methodology. Not only does it work smoothly on the whole, but agile scrum is also something that speaks clearly to the bright young men and women who run most of today’s businesses.

The use of a scrum master alone is already a progressive factor that is particularly enticing for the modern-day worker. Gone are the days when people would rather have an authority figure lording over them every second of every work day. Before, authority figures used to be seen as a plus, because people grew up in a time when they were more used to traditions, conventions, and a very strict set of rules to live by. In contrast, people today grow up far more leniently, and are encouraged to think and act for themselves—something that the agile scrum methodology espouses wholeheartedly. Having a scrum master simply for guiding employees through the process, as opposed to having them for ordering employees around, goes quite well with today’s more liberal mindset.

Moreover, the cross-functional aspect of this methodology is also perfectly attuned with the times. These days, people don’t grow up wishing and hoping to become a single type of person, steering their lives in a single direction and making no other detours whatsoever. These days, people embrace possibility with gusto. They are far more open to the idea that any one person is capable of being several things all at once, that they can study up on more than one thing and be an expert in all of them. The agile scrum methodology’s insistence that the people who use it have to be skilled in several different ways, then, is absolutely spot-on for today’s different outlook.

In fact, one would be hard pressed to take on a form of project management that isn’t as flexible as scrum and fully believe that it will work spectacularly. It is no longer wise to stick with traditions and conventions with an iron fist. If you want to run a business smoothly and successfully, you really have to think beyond what they taught you in business school, and go with what seems most natural for just about any person.

The agile scrum methodology is much more than just a way of doing things. It can be seen as an overarching philosophy for how various industries should be handled in this day and age. If you want your business to succeed these days, you have to be a great and humane employer, and to become one, you have to know when and where to bend the rules, or even get rid of the rules altogether.

Totally Search Engine Marketing – Back to the Mill!

Totally for a long time have been an up and coming Search engine marketing leader providing quality search engine marketing for any budget simply because they take a more tailored and upfront approach to SEO.

Lets face it, end of the day the search engine marketing industry has a bad name, everyone knows of someone somewhere they have put money into internet marketing for it not to pay off and cost, or worse, in this recession, put the business out of business.

Totally have developed 3 simple rules to make sure that the business that you are looking to purchase off are what and who they say.

Portfolio – ask to see each and every customer result that they have secured recently, if the search engine marketing company can not deliver results from their customers, then they are most likely not going to be able to deliver results for you.
Ask about – Talk to their customers, don’t just take it as red that the search engine marketing company will do as they say simply because they are going to be charging you a lot of money, its more money to loose if you back the wrong horse!
meet them, may search engine marketing companies are freelancers that don’t operate from a stable address, go to there offices, check out what they do, after all you need to know if you can work with them.

We have recently renovated our new Mill (working back at’ Mill) Where you are more then welcome to join us for a cup of tea to talk about your design requirements, viral marketing or search engine marketing, we will even make you a cup of tea.

We are award winning and provide cheap SEO, Search Engine Marketing and direct solutions. We don’t hide behind technical jargon, we take the mumbo jumbo out of SEO, deliver fast results and guaranteed top5 rakings, and if we fail, we give you your money back!

For help in the world of search engine marketing, free advice or just someone to talk to you and point you in the right direction, contact us, any time.

Totally Search Engine Marketing – Back to the Mill!

Totally for a long time have been an up and coming Search engine marketing leader providing quality search engine marketing for any budget simply because they take a more tailored and upfront approach to SEO.

Lets face it, end of the day the search engine marketing industry has a bad name, everyone knows of someone somewhere they have put money into internet marketing for it not to pay off and cost, or worse, in this recession, put the business out of business.

Totally have developed 3 simple rules to make sure that the business that you are looking to purchase off are what and who they say.

Portfolio – ask to see each and every customer result that they have secured recently, if the search engine marketing company can not deliver results from their customers, then they are most likely not going to be able to deliver results for you.
Ask about – Talk to their customers, don’t just take it as red that the search engine marketing company will do as they say simply because they are going to be charging you a lot of money, its more money to loose if you back the wrong horse!
meet them, may search engine marketing companies are freelancers that don’t operate from a stable address, go to there offices, check out what they do, after all you need to know if you can work with them.

We have recently renovated our new Mill (working back at’ Mill) Where you are more then welcome to join us for a cup of tea to talk about your design requirements, viral marketing or search engine marketing, we will even make you a cup of tea.

We are award winning and provide cheap SEO, Search Engine Marketing and direct solutions. We don’t hide behind technical jargon, we take the mumbo jumbo out of SEO, deliver fast results and guaranteed top5 rakings, and if we fail, we give you your money back!

For help in the world of search engine marketing, free advice or just someone to talk to you and point you in the right direction, contact us, any time.