Tag Archives: business marketing

Search Engine Optimisation – What Makes it So Important

If you have a website, then it’s likely you’ve come across the term ‘SEO’ (Search Engine Optimisation) before. But what does this confusing little acronym actually mean? And why is it even important to know about it? Many people are saying that SEO is one of the most crucial factors in a business marketing strategy today – but is this relevant for your company? After learning a bit more about SEO in this article, you will hopefully be able to make an educated decision.

What does SEO mean?

SEO stands for ‘Search Engine Optimisation’. When you use this term in relation to your website, blog, or other forms of online material, you are saying that the content (words) in your online material have certain ‘keywords’ or ‘key phrases’ in them which people are searching for on Google, Yahoo!, Bing, or any of the other major Search Engines. Further than this, you are saying that (hopefully!) the keywords in your content are ones that have been chosen strategically to attract already qualified customers (people who want what you are selling) to your business – probably through your website.

Since the keywords people search are directly linked to the website which pop up in response to their needs, it’s pretty easy to see how having a website or online marketing material which is SEO ‘friendly’ (i.e. specifically geared towards those particular keywords) is important to make sure that they find you on the web.

How does it apply to your business?

If you currently have a company website, your site will have a ‘ranking’ i.e. a position it holds in a Google search for any combination of keywords. For example, if you are a florist you might be sitting at number 10 for ‘red roses Christchurch’ or number 50 for ‘online flower orders’. The problem here is that you are only appearing on the first page of Google for the first set of keywords, and much further down the list for the second set.

Ideally, you want to be listed on the first page for as many relevant keywords as possible. This ensures that those who want your product or service can find you. SEO plays a very big role in achieving this.

Can you learn SEO by yourself?

The field of Search Engine Optimisation is a sea of information. There are many tips and strategies out there which may or may not prove to be useful for your business marketing plan. Sometimes it is best to seek out people who specialise in SEO and have spent many hours finding out what works and what doesn’t. DIY can be a tempting option, but probably won’t have a long term pay-off.

SEO can make or break a business in this internet-dependent world. Make sure you put it to work for yours.