Tag Archives: browsing

Internet Monitoring Software

PC sharing is a common phenomenon these days. College students, roommates, different individuals at a cyber café, children and other family members at home regularly share PCs. Everyone uses the PC in different ways and download or visits many different websites. However the responsibility of any kind of web browsing or surfing eventually lies with the owner of the PC. Any kind of installation of software, content or data stored on the computer or in its browsing history, music, audio or video downloads are all the responsibility of the owner and hence, they have to be very cautious of what is happening on their PC?

Every owner must be able to monitor the programs that are being installed or downloaded on his/her computer, so that in case of an unfortunate event, there is an evidence of the person who has done it. The internet monitoring software was therefore, introduced so that the owner of the PC which is shared often is aware of what is happening and be away from legal complications due to illegal browsing. Thus internet usage monitoring has helped many such owners and is now also used in many corporate and businesses, for various purposes.

When there are a large number of people working in a company, though there is no sharing of PC but chances of employees wasting their time on internet browsing or using social networking sites to connect are quite common. It is no possible for managers to keep checking on every employee personally. Hence, the internet monitoring software does this job quite well. There is software known as work manager which is quite popular, when it comes to internet usage monitoring and many managers prefer it, as it works exactly like a manager. All you need to do is install the program.

This software is a network deployment tool and once it is installed, any manager can check what their employee is doing, at any given point of time. The best part about this internet monitoring software is that the person being monitored does not know that they are being monitored. The internet usage reports can also be generated, from time to time for viewing later. So, it does not keep the person who wants to monitor the usage engaged, all the times. These reports are logged and can be viewed on any random day or every day, too. The entire application is very easy to use and can be done by anyone that has basic knowledge of software.

Similarly, there is also a Network Monitoring Software which also helps in internet usage monitoring in different corporate and businesses. It can monitor the PCs connected to the TCP/IP networks. This software is also capable of taking snapshots of the user screen and does so, at particular intervals. You can also set is to take screenshots of a particular user screen for the entire day. These are helpful, to track any frauds or scams that a user or employee can engage in. Thus, this software has been extremely useful for tracking many frauds and scams that lead to losses in a corporate. It also saves the owner of any litigations or legal complications due to use of the internet.

Internet Monitoring Software

PC sharing is a common phenomenon these days. College students, roommates, different individuals at a cyber café, children and other family members at home regularly share PCs. Everyone uses the PC in different ways and download or visits many different websites. However the responsibility of any kind of web browsing or surfing eventually lies with the owner of the PC. Any kind of installation of software, content or data stored on the computer or in its browsing history, music, audio or video downloads are all the responsibility of the owner and hence, they have to be very cautious of what is happening on their PC?

Every owner must be able to monitor the programs that are being installed or downloaded on his/her computer, so that in case of an unfortunate event, there is an evidence of the person who has done it. The internet monitoring software was therefore, introduced so that the owner of the PC which is shared often is aware of what is happening and be away from legal complications due to illegal browsing. Thus internet usage monitoring has helped many such owners and is now also used in many corporate and businesses, for various purposes.

When there are a large number of people working in a company, though there is no sharing of PC but chances of employees wasting their time on internet browsing or using social networking sites to connect are quite common. It is no possible for managers to keep checking on every employee personally. Hence, the internet monitoring software does this job quite well. There is software known as work manager which is quite popular, when it comes to internet usage monitoring and many managers prefer it, as it works exactly like a manager. All you need to do is install the program.

This software is a network deployment tool and once it is installed, any manager can check what their employee is doing, at any given point of time. The best part about this internet monitoring software is that the person being monitored does not know that they are being monitored. The internet usage reports can also be generated, from time to time for viewing later. So, it does not keep the person who wants to monitor the usage engaged, all the times. These reports are logged and can be viewed on any random day or every day, too. The entire application is very easy to use and can be done by anyone that has basic knowledge of software.

Similarly, there is also a Network Monitoring Software which also helps in internet usage monitoring in different corporate and businesses. It can monitor the PCs connected to the TCP/IP networks. This software is also capable of taking snapshots of the user screen and does so, at particular intervals. You can also set is to take screenshots of a particular user screen for the entire day. These are helpful, to track any frauds or scams that a user or employee can engage in. Thus, this software has been extremely useful for tracking many frauds and scams that lead to losses in a corporate. It also saves the owner of any litigations or legal complications due to use of the internet.

Enjoy a Better Web Surfing Experience with an Ad Block Filter

Are you tired of seeing countless advertisements when browsing the Internet? Do you want to enjoy a smoother and more productive experience when you’re surfing the web? If your answer is “yes” to either of these questions, then you may want to try using an ad block filter such as Adlesse. If you’re tired of those advertisements on many sites constantly flashing on your screen and impeding your browsing experience, Adlesse provides a useful and innovative solution which will help you greatly. Adlesse is basically an ad block filter which replaces advertisements with something that is actually useful to you.

Imagine being able to swap all of the annoying ads you see on the Internet with something useful. The advertising banners and panels on websites can instead display useful information thanks to the presence of an ad block filter. Instead of seeing advertisements, you can see things such as news feeds, weather reports, RSS feeds and pretty much anything else that you want to see. With an extensive set of widgets, you can choose exactly what you want to have displayed in the place of the advertisements. If you’re regularly browsing the web, why not have it so that you can spend your time looking at what you want to look at? This is exactly why Adlesse was created.

Although not all sites have particularly intrusive advertising, it can be very annoying for regular web surfers when they constantly get distracted by advertisements. Imagine that, for example, instead of having an annoying, flashing banner ad at the top of a web page, you could have your latest Twitter feeds displayed there. You could even replace the ads on Facebook with your Twitter feeds or something else so that you can view both of your favorite social networking site feeds while still on the same page! Any ads on any site can be replaced with a choice of social networking feeds. With its large number of useful and versatile widgets, the possibilities truly are endless when you have an ad block filter like Adlesse.

Take Google for example. It’s the world’s favorite search engine, but there are also many other search engines out there. When you perform a Google search, you’ll see a load of advertisements appear on the page. Using Adlesse, you’ll instead be able to see search results from Bing, Twitter or Wiki as well. Instead of having to go to multiple sites to carry out Internet searches, you can enjoy the great convenience of having everything on the same page!

When you are browsing the Internet, you’ll always get bombarded with advertisements and other things that you didn’t even ask for. It’s just a matter of degree, for the most part. Without all of this, you can enjoy a far more productive web surfing experience. Not only will your experience be more enjoyable, you’ll also get considerably more done thanks to the fact that most of the distractions have gone away. With Adlesse, you can enjoy a cleaner browsing experience, seeing only the things that you want or need to see. No more unwanted ads! To learn more, visit adlesse.com.