Tag Archives: browser
Make E-commerce Website Address Bar Green with VeriSign EV
VeriSign EV offers various services, such as VeriSign SSL certificate, that allow companies (and their clients) to communicate securely. An SSL stands for secure sockets layer. VeriSign SSL certificates encrypt sensitive information during online transactions and communication. This helps avoid identity theft or credit card fraud.
VeriSign EV SSL Certificate provides minimum of 128-bit and up to 256-bit encryption and more than 99% browser recognition. VeriSign Secure Site Pro with EV SSL Certificate is enabled by Server Gated Cryptography (SGC) to help ensure strong encryption to site visitors. Includes $250,000 warranty and the VeriSign Secured Seal. Extended Validation triggers the display of the green address bar in the latest high-security browsers, and True 128-bit SSL Certificates enable every site visitor to experience the strongest SSL encryption available to them.
Features & Benefits of Secure Site Pro with EV Certificates
- Extended Validation, Green Address Bar
- SGC Enabled – Strong Encryption
- 128-bit minimum to 256-bit encryption
- Full business authentication
- 1,500,000 warranty
- VeriSign Secured Seal
- Installation Checker
- 99.9% Browser Recognition Rate
- Supports Mobile Devices
- Includes 30 Day Issuance Insurance
- Free Vulnerability Assessment & Actionable Report
- The security of VeriSign Malware Scanning protection
Features & Benefits of Secure Site with EV Certificates
- Extended Validation, Green Address Bar
- 40-bit minimum to 256-bit Encryption
- 99.9% Browser Recognition Rate
- Supports Mobile Devices
- 1,500,000 warranty
- VeriSign® Secured® Seal
- Includes 30 Day Issuance Insurance
- Installation Checker
- Free Vulnerability Assessment & Actionable Report
- The security of VeriSign Malware Scanning protection
Compatibility of VeriSign EV SSL:
Server and Client OS Compatibility:
- Client OS: Mac OS X, Snow Leapord, Windows 7, Vista, Xp, 2000, Linux Client OS.
- Server OS: Windows Server 2008, 2003, 2000, Linux, UNIX, Solaris, Novell, etc.
- Web Servers: Microsoft IIS 7, IIS6, Apache, Tomcat, IBM HTTP, Weblogic, Cobalt.
- E-Mail Servers: Exchange 2010, 2007, 2003 Lotus Dominos, SmarterMail, etc.
- Control Panels: Plesk6+, Hsphere, Helm, Ensim, DotNet Panel and more.
- Proxy Server, Routers & Firewalls: CISCO, Microsoft ISA 2004, ISA 2006, etc.
Browser Compatibility:
- Firefox 1+, 2+, 3+
- IE 5+, 6+, 7+, 8+
- Netscape 4+
- Opera 7+
- AOL 5+
- Safari
Mobile Browser Compatibility:
- Microsoft Pocket Internet Explorer
- Palm / Handspring Blazer 2.0+
- Apple Iphone, Ipad Safari
- Netfront 3.0+
- Blackberry
- AT&T
A Brief Primer on What is hosting
What is hosting?
Web hosting is the “hosting” of a website on a “server.” The internet becomes the means for the server to “serve up” the web pages. It is also the process of obtaining a domain name for a website and then searching for space to host it online. The website should be able to download and open its pages and data from the web host server.
What is hosting provider?
A webhost manager allows a website to upload or download its web pages whenever and wherever the browser is located. When a website’s URL (Uniform Resource Locator) – commonly called the web address – is entered into any browser, it sends the URL request to a server to serve up the web page. The internet becomes the vehicle for the request to travel from the browser to the server.
Your webhost has changed the face of online business forever. Commercial and free web hosting makes it possible to conduct business online for everything conceivable from e-commerce, entertainment, to IT process automation. It has even been observed that as the number of online companies and businesses are increasing, the number of people creating their own personal online space is also going up.
For any website or online business, selecting either shared hosting or dedicated hosting will greatly depend on the actual requirements and realistic needs in managing the website.
What is hosting different specific needs?
There are also different virtual hosting servers that caters to specific needs. For instance, an NNTP server is for newsgroups; FTP server is for files downloading; SMTP server for supporting e-mail services; HTTP server for accessing and storing web pages and files in general. Thus, a web host server that interacts with several clients can host several types of servers.
Like the internet, virtual web hosting has changed the face of the world wide web and has become one of the most essential tools for virtually every online business marketing plan. Managing a website is made simpler without resorting to buying and maintaining one’s own server which may fall short of technical requirements.
A Brief Primer on What is hosting
What is hosting?
Web hosting is the “hosting” of a website on a “server.” The internet becomes the means for the server to “serve up” the web pages. It is also the process of obtaining a domain name for a website and then searching for space to host it online. The website should be able to download and open its pages and data from the web host server.
What is hosting provider?
A webhost manager allows a website to upload or download its web pages whenever and wherever the browser is located. When a website’s URL (Uniform Resource Locator) – commonly called the web address – is entered into any browser, it sends the URL request to a server to serve up the web page. The internet becomes the vehicle for the request to travel from the browser to the server.
Your webhost has changed the face of online business forever. Commercial and free web hosting makes it possible to conduct business online for everything conceivable from e-commerce, entertainment, to IT process automation. It has even been observed that as the number of online companies and businesses are increasing, the number of people creating their own personal online space is also going up.
For any website or online business, selecting either shared hosting or dedicated hosting will greatly depend on the actual requirements and realistic needs in managing the website.
What is hosting different specific needs?
There are also different virtual hosting servers that caters to specific needs. For instance, an NNTP server is for newsgroups; FTP server is for files downloading; SMTP server for supporting e-mail services; HTTP server for accessing and storing web pages and files in general. Thus, a web host server that interacts with several clients can host several types of servers.
Like the internet, virtual web hosting has changed the face of the world wide web and has become one of the most essential tools for virtually every online business marketing plan. Managing a website is made simpler without resorting to buying and maintaining one’s own server which may fall short of technical requirements.