Tag Archives: because

Legally obtain evidence and protect yourself through Digital Forensics

So you want to know what your spouse or partner has been up to? Do they delete text messages and other communication? Sure there are programs out there that can be installed on the device, but you should know that it is illegal according to Title 18 of US Federal Law to take such actions. Therefore, if you’re needing this evidence to protect yourself financially or to prove their infidelity in a court of law, this illegal intrusion will make the evidence inadmissible and you could face wire tapping charges.

By now, you’ve suspected your spouse or partner is cheating or you probably wouldn’t be reading this article. They’ve become more secretive when using their cell phone or computer and something doesn’t feel quite right. Perhaps they’ve placed a passcode on their device whereas before they’ve left it open for you to look at. Now they carry it into the bathroom with them when they take a shower or they duck around the corner to answer a call. The truth is that these are all possible signs of infidelity. It used to be “lipstick on the collar” was the 1 sign… Today, it’s odd and obsessive cell phone behavior. As a committed partner in the relationship, YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO KNOW. I say that with conviction because some folks would have you believe that looking at your partner’s cell phone or computer activity is an invasion of their privacy. I would contend that if your spouse has been with someone else, their expectation of privacy has been diminished. Why? Because they have potentially put the health and well-being of you and the family in jeopardy. How? Well, for starters, they could contract an STD and pass it along to you. In addition, when a cheating spouse is seeing someone else, they typically spend jointly earned money on the paramour. This directly effects the financial situation of the home. Also, a relationship of this type puts undue strain on the marriage and adversely effects the children, if you have them. This is why I believe you should know.

But how do you go about getting the evidence you need legally? The answer is Digital Forensics. Digital Forensics is a process whereby a professional that has the equipment and the expertise can acquire logical and physical (deleted) data from electronic devices. It’s legal because you are NOT acquiring or intercepting live communication or communication in motion. Spyware or monitoring software does this exactly and can get you in a lot of trouble AND can potentially lose your case for you. You may have the answers by using this software, but it will be no good to you in legal proceedings. I must also warn you that most of the spyware available on the open market are difficult to install. NONE of them can be installed remotely – believe me when I say this. We have tested many of them. A “smart phone” (i.e. iPhone & Android) must be either “jailbroken” or “rooted” to allow these applications to be installed and work properly. This, in and of itself, is not always possible because the OS developers are constantly updating their firmware to prevent such applications from being installed. This is why your iPhone or Android seems to always have a software update. These updates are sent out to devices to patch these security flaws.

Now you’re asking yourself: “Well, how do I get my souse’s device examined??”

The only way a device can be examined is by a professional with the tools and knowledge to acquire and image of the device’s memory. The professional must have physical possession of the device for a period of time to obtain the image. Digital Forensics cannot be done remotely on cell phone. On computers, it can be done remotely, sometimes, although it’s not preferred.

If you ever find yourself in this situation, reach out to a professional like myself for advice and direction.

Social Media is Good for Everyone

Many people know all about the biggest social networking sites. There are a few that are most popular of course and those are probably the ones that instantly came into your head when I mentioned social media. But there are also several smaller sites that are popular for the same types of things. There are several different reasons that you may want to use social media and these will vary depending on whether you have a business or a personal account.

A personal social media account will typically have a lot of personal information. It will talk all about you and show your friends and family the things that you enjoy as well as the things you do throughout the day. You can post information anytime you want and for some people posting is something they do many times during the day.

If you have a business however then you should definitely be using some type of social media as well. That’s because these websites are perfect ways to meet new people and get your company name well known. Each time one of your customers likes or friends your page all of their friends will see your company name. That makes them more likely to come to your page and read about your company.

With your company name out there you can get more and more customers every day because you have more and more people visiting your page. Once you get them there you want to make sure that you are using all the best tips and tricks you possibly can to get them interested and convince them to buy from you. This is actually a very easy process when you are actually working hard at it because all you need to do is think about your best services and market those on your page.

A social media website can be a lifesaver for many people. Whether it’s simply the way you make friends or the way you make your living, this is a great thing for anyone. Working your way into something like this and being sure that you are doing everything you can to make this type of networking really work for you is the first step to getting more business and making your company grow. You’ll be on your way to better things in no time flat.

Legally obtain evidence and protect yourself through Digital Forensics

So you want to know what your spouse or partner has been up to? Do they delete text messages and other communication? Sure there are programs out there that can be installed on the device, but you should know that it is illegal according to Title 18 of US Federal Law to take such actions. Therefore, if you’re needing this evidence to protect yourself financially or to prove their infidelity in a court of law, this illegal intrusion will make the evidence inadmissible and you could face wire tapping charges.

By now, you’ve suspected your spouse or partner is cheating or you probably wouldn’t be reading this article. They’ve become more secretive when using their cell phone or computer and something doesn’t feel quite right. Perhaps they’ve placed a passcode on their device whereas before they’ve left it open for you to look at. Now they carry it into the bathroom with them when they take a shower or they duck around the corner to answer a call. The truth is that these are all possible signs of infidelity. It used to be “lipstick on the collar” was the 1 sign… Today, it’s odd and obsessive cell phone behavior. As a committed partner in the relationship, YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO KNOW. I say that with conviction because some folks would have you believe that looking at your partner’s cell phone or computer activity is an invasion of their privacy. I would contend that if your spouse has been with someone else, their expectation of privacy has been diminished. Why? Because they have potentially put the health and well-being of you and the family in jeopardy. How? Well, for starters, they could contract an STD and pass it along to you. In addition, when a cheating spouse is seeing someone else, they typically spend jointly earned money on the paramour. This directly effects the financial situation of the home. Also, a relationship of this type puts undue strain on the marriage and adversely effects the children, if you have them. This is why I believe you should know.

But how do you go about getting the evidence you need legally? The answer is Digital Forensics. Digital Forensics is a process whereby a professional that has the equipment and the expertise can acquire logical and physical (deleted) data from electronic devices. It’s legal because you are NOT acquiring or intercepting live communication or communication in motion. Spyware or monitoring software does this exactly and can get you in a lot of trouble AND can potentially lose your case for you. You may have the answers by using this software, but it will be no good to you in legal proceedings. I must also warn you that most of the spyware available on the open market are difficult to install. NONE of them can be installed remotely – believe me when I say this. We have tested many of them. A “smart phone” (i.e. iPhone & Android) must be either “jailbroken” or “rooted” to allow these applications to be installed and work properly. This, in and of itself, is not always possible because the OS developers are constantly updating their firmware to prevent such applications from being installed. This is why your iPhone or Android seems to always have a software update. These updates are sent out to devices to patch these security flaws.

Now you’re asking yourself: “Well, how do I get my souse’s device examined??”

The only way a device can be examined is by a professional with the tools and knowledge to acquire and image of the device’s memory. The professional must have physical possession of the device for a period of time to obtain the image. Digital Forensics cannot be done remotely on cell phone. On computers, it can be done remotely, sometimes, although it’s not preferred.

If you ever find yourself in this situation, reach out to a professional like myself for advice and direction.