Tag Archives: because

Blog Commenting: An Honest Review of Blog Comment Demon for Backlinking

If you use blog commenting as a part of your backlinking strategies, then you’ve probably considered purchasing Blog Comment Demon. Read this first! We recently started using Article Demon, Social Bookmarking Demon, and Blog Comment Demon in my office. And while the first two work well enough that I’d recommend them to pretty much anyone, Blog Comment Demon has serious issues that you should consider before you buy. I’ll go over the positives first:

1.) The ability to scan for approved comments is awesome

2.) The ability to export URLs and reports is great

3.) Software is well organized and interface is user-friendly

But that’s where the high points of BCD stopped for us, and even those were flawed. For instance, we’re not 100% certain that the Scan for Comments feature works 100% of the time, you can only export in one format, and just because the software is organized and presented well doesn’t mean much if it doesn’t function. In any case, there are much more major concerns about BCD.

1.) The Drill feature (to find related posts on the same blog/site) does not work. Period. Not once has it ever worked.

2.) It takes a VERY long time to return the blog results- usually about 15 minutes just to return 100 blogs.

3.) The blogs returned are a poor mix at best, with a great deal of blogs being returned that have NOTHING to do with your search phrase. For instance, yesterday afternoon during tests we used the keywords: “How to get help for drug addiction.” Blogs returned included travel sites, religious sites, and a bunch of garbage that had nothing to do with the keyword.

4.) Of every 100 blogs returned for the multitude of keywords we have used over the past week, significantly less than 5% are Do Follow, Allow Comments, aren’t already spammed, and have at least one comment already. Of those that are viable, most are PR 0.

5.) The auto-fill form has serious flaws. If it works at all, it usually does not auto fill at least one line, typically the email address, website URL, or some other single-field. A great deal of the time the auto fill does not work at all, and you must cut and paste from it and manually put it in the blog comment section. This is VERY ineffective.

6.) So many of the blogs returned are with either NoFollow or Unknown tags that it makes it almost impossible to use the software effectively.

There’s more, but I don’t want to bash the software completely, as I think Article Demon and Social Bookmarking Demon are AWESOME. However, Blog Comment Demon just doesn’t do what it’s supposed to do: get Do Follow backlinks effectively and quickly using automated procedures. We spent more time babysitting and trouble-shooting this software than getting links. We should have just outsourced our blog commenting: we would have saved serious money considering the amount of time it took us to do this ourselves using BCD.

Because BCD was so terrible, I assumed it must be because I “didn’t know how to use it.” However, I read the ENTIRE guide. Twice. So did three of my staff. Not to mention that like I said earlier, the software is well-presented and is pretty easy to figure out, so it’s not hard. But assuming that I was lacking something, I did extensive research online and found that most people are having the same problems and more.

Some reviews we found were glowing and highly recommended the software. However, upon further examination most good reviews were actually just IMs trying to get you to their affiliate link. No problem there, I paid for all three of my products through an affiliate link. And while I don’t discount those reviews (meaning maybe BCD works for some people and not others) I really put this software through the ringer and it simply did not perform. And while no one wants to gamble, you can do just that if you want to try it for yourself, because you can easily get a full refund if you request it within 28 days of purchase.

Summary? Article Demon Good. Social Bookmarking Demon Good. Blog Comment Demon Bad.

I hope this helps. I’m not trying to be a naysayer; I’m just giving my honest review of this product in the hopes of helping other people make more informed buying decisions. And in actuality, this review will help the software maker because they won’t be issuing so many refunds. (BCD has a very high incidence of refund requests. However, most reports state that when a refund is requested, the money is usually returned almost immediately.)

My honest opinion is that this software is great in theory and has AMAZING potential, but it needs some serious work by the developers before it could be a viable product for people like me who “play” in a great variety of niche markets. From here on out, we’re doing our own article submissions, our own social media commenting, and we’ll continue to do our own high quality, manual blog-commenting.

The Importance of Solid and Secure Computer Data Storage

Are you thinking about computer data storage yet? Because with the rainy season approaching, your backup computer files might be the only thing between secure records and utter chaos. And if you’re thinking that’s a well-placed bit of exaggeration, try asking the residents of Freehold, NJ how many of their personal emails, financial records and pictures they wish they still had.

But what happened in Freehold is an excellent reminder of why computer data storage is so vital. When you don’t backup your computer files, you run the risk of losing everything during power outages not just because the power is out and your computer won’t run but because the surges in power can corrupt your files and hard disk. There are ways of protecting your computer at home – a power strip is a good idea, and saving files to a thumb drive is smart – but they’re not comprehensive enough for people who use their computer for more than just creating documents or updating social media. Offsite backups are a far better idea for keeping your most important files safe and sound.

So: what can you do to keep your files safe in the wettest season of the year? We’ve compiled some ways of protecting your computer and its contents so that you don’t end up with a very expensive paper weight the next time a hurricane rolls through town.

• Offsite Backups: There are a number of reputable companies out there who can help you protect your information. Outside computer data storage facilities will store your information (for a fee, which can be nominal – or not – depending on the company) at their facility. Be Things to watch out with this so be careful of where your data is and how secure it is. That will be another article.

• The Cloud: It seems strange to recommend putting all of you stuff into space, but that’s essentially what the Cloud is. You can backup computer files online for free, which is great. Just be conscious that a computer hacker can wipe out those files a bit easier than s/he could if you use a company that specializes in computer data storage for your home or business.

• USP: That’s an Uninterruptible Power Supply, and it’s a pretty cool gadget. It sends a steady stream of power to your computer even if a storm causes a power surge, giving you time to shut it down correctly. Some of them will even initiate the shut down for you, if you can’t get to it yourself because you are away. It’s one of the better ways of protecting your computer because it keeps the machine and its contents safe. Just make sure to “comparison shop” first, because some of them are a little pricey. Be aware that they do need to be configured properly in order for them to work the way they are meant to work.

• Electricians: How good are your wires? If you live in an older home or if your area is particularly susceptible to sever storms, then all of the computer data storage in the world might not be able to save you. May be time to invest on a home generator to help keep your lights on during and after a storm. You never know how long it may take the electric company to get your lights back on. No matter what, remember to backup those computer files ASAP before it is too late.

Don’t Wait to Backup Computer Files
The most important thing to remember is that sometimes – believe it or not – the weather reports are wrong. Some storms blow right over, while others cause levels of devastation that are almost unimaginable. (Just ask anyone from the Gulf Coast.) The best ways of protecting your computer mean nothing if you don’t implement them. That’s why it’s so incredibly important that you backup computer files often. Offsite backups at reputable companies can keep your files – necessary and precious – safe when the lights go out.

The Importance of Solid and Secure Computer Data Storage

Are you thinking about computer data storage yet? Because with the rainy season approaching, your backup computer files might be the only thing between secure records and utter chaos. And if you’re thinking that’s a well-placed bit of exaggeration, try asking the residents of Freehold, NJ how many of their personal emails, financial records and pictures they wish they still had.

But what happened in Freehold is an excellent reminder of why computer data storage is so vital. When you don’t backup your computer files, you run the risk of losing everything during power outages not just because the power is out and your computer won’t run but because the surges in power can corrupt your files and hard disk. There are ways of protecting your computer at home – a power strip is a good idea, and saving files to a thumb drive is smart – but they’re not comprehensive enough for people who use their computer for more than just creating documents or updating social media. Offsite backups are a far better idea for keeping your most important files safe and sound.

So: what can you do to keep your files safe in the wettest season of the year? We’ve compiled some ways of protecting your computer and its contents so that you don’t end up with a very expensive paper weight the next time a hurricane rolls through town.

• Offsite Backups: There are a number of reputable companies out there who can help you protect your information. Outside computer data storage facilities will store your information (for a fee, which can be nominal – or not – depending on the company) at their facility. Be Things to watch out with this so be careful of where your data is and how secure it is. That will be another article.

• The Cloud: It seems strange to recommend putting all of you stuff into space, but that’s essentially what the Cloud is. You can backup computer files online for free, which is great. Just be conscious that a computer hacker can wipe out those files a bit easier than s/he could if you use a company that specializes in computer data storage for your home or business.

• USP: That’s an Uninterruptible Power Supply, and it’s a pretty cool gadget. It sends a steady stream of power to your computer even if a storm causes a power surge, giving you time to shut it down correctly. Some of them will even initiate the shut down for you, if you can’t get to it yourself because you are away. It’s one of the better ways of protecting your computer because it keeps the machine and its contents safe. Just make sure to “comparison shop” first, because some of them are a little pricey. Be aware that they do need to be configured properly in order for them to work the way they are meant to work.

• Electricians: How good are your wires? If you live in an older home or if your area is particularly susceptible to sever storms, then all of the computer data storage in the world might not be able to save you. May be time to invest on a home generator to help keep your lights on during and after a storm. You never know how long it may take the electric company to get your lights back on. No matter what, remember to backup those computer files ASAP before it is too late.

Don’t Wait to Backup Computer Files
The most important thing to remember is that sometimes – believe it or not – the weather reports are wrong. Some storms blow right over, while others cause levels of devastation that are almost unimaginable. (Just ask anyone from the Gulf Coast.) The best ways of protecting your computer mean nothing if you don’t implement them. That’s why it’s so incredibly important that you backup computer files often. Offsite backups at reputable companies can keep your files – necessary and precious – safe when the lights go out.