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How a good application interface design promotes a software's success

A nice-looking, functional and straightforward software application interface can easily make the distinction between a product´s failure or success. This sounds more than logical, nevertheless interface layout and testing is often being disregarded by both large and small application producers. If an end-user finds a user interface being not as much as logical, difficult to understand and not comfortable to work with, then a product that may have been outstanding, is bound to failure.

The primary Purpose of Any Graphical user interface

When coming up with a software application graphical user interface, the main factor to consider is its common approval by end-users. In the end, end users would like to carry out their tasks as quickly and simply as possible, as well as the interface is simply a tool to achieve that goal. Therefore, any application developer must ensure that the final software program product includes a visually appealing, flexible and straightforward to utilize interface.

However, many IT companies tend to pay little focus on the rules and methods needed to design an excellent graphical user interface. “The only goal is that the program works!” is apparently their motto. Though this viewpoint, they’re disregarding the countless inconveniences and issues that they’re causing for the end-users of their products. When a visual program obliges an individual to continuously consult the guide manual, it is time to improve the interface design. Likewise, frequent need of assistance to have the ability to work with an interface is a clear indicator of an inflexible application product which drastically decreases efficiency, as users need more hours and attention to execute their tasks.

The Golden Rules of a User-Friendly Application Interface Design

Thankfully, a clumsy interface can easily be improved and avoided through using some simple ground rules ? Five Golden Rules to develop a nice, professional and straightforward application graphical user interface.

Consistency. An excellent graphical user interface need to let users to execute the same series of actions in the same situation, as well as the terminology used all through menus, windows and dialog boxes ought to be steady.

Speed. Frequent users should be able to work with shortcuts, to increase the interaction speed. Key blends, hidden commands, etc. are extremely helpful to skilled people.

Feedback. Each and every action ought to be followed by some kind of system feedback, for example short messages.

Aesthetics. A good looking graphical user interface improves end-user satisfaction because it makes the user experience much more pleasant.

Action reversal. An excellent user interface should not punish its end users for their mistakes. Instead, it ought to offer them the choice to undo their actions, for instance via the typical ‘Undo’ button. In this way, users will be more relaxed while doing work and tend to discover more of the product´s options.

In addition to these Golden Principles for the design of a flexible and user friendly application interface, it is advisable to keep in mind some other aspects of a professional and flexible user interface. For instance, enabling users to get in data by means of checkboxes as well as dropdown menus, rather than being forced to enter all information manually, greatly makes easier any task. Yet another helpful element is adding dialog boxes that guide the users through the actions needed to carry out a task, and even cautious choice of icons along with other images helps to turn a steep learning curve into a short and delicate slope.

In this regard, more simple aspects such as spelling as well as grammar should be paid attention to. After all, badly-written guidelines prevents or perhaps hinder some tasks or actions, plus they certainly reflect an awful picture of both the application developers as well as the development firm.

To Software Excellence

Simply speaking, any organization that aims to stand out from the competition with professional programs of decent quality, need to pay special attention to the aspects of usability and adaptability of the software application’s graphical user interface, as these are really important and decisive aspects in software excellence.

How a good application interface design promotes a software's success

A nice-looking, functional and straightforward software application interface can easily make the distinction between a product´s failure or success. This sounds more than logical, nevertheless interface layout and testing is often being disregarded by both large and small application producers. If an end-user finds a user interface being not as much as logical, difficult to understand and not comfortable to work with, then a product that may have been outstanding, is bound to failure.

The primary Purpose of Any Graphical user interface

When coming up with a software application graphical user interface, the main factor to consider is its common approval by end-users. In the end, end users would like to carry out their tasks as quickly and simply as possible, as well as the interface is simply a tool to achieve that goal. Therefore, any application developer must ensure that the final software program product includes a visually appealing, flexible and straightforward to utilize interface.

However, many IT companies tend to pay little focus on the rules and methods needed to design an excellent graphical user interface. “The only goal is that the program works!” is apparently their motto. Though this viewpoint, they’re disregarding the countless inconveniences and issues that they’re causing for the end-users of their products. When a visual program obliges an individual to continuously consult the guide manual, it is time to improve the interface design. Likewise, frequent need of assistance to have the ability to work with an interface is a clear indicator of an inflexible application product which drastically decreases efficiency, as users need more hours and attention to execute their tasks.

The Golden Rules of a User-Friendly Application Interface Design

Thankfully, a clumsy interface can easily be improved and avoided through using some simple ground rules ? Five Golden Rules to develop a nice, professional and straightforward application graphical user interface.

Consistency. An excellent graphical user interface need to let users to execute the same series of actions in the same situation, as well as the terminology used all through menus, windows and dialog boxes ought to be steady.

Speed. Frequent users should be able to work with shortcuts, to increase the interaction speed. Key blends, hidden commands, etc. are extremely helpful to skilled people.

Feedback. Each and every action ought to be followed by some kind of system feedback, for example short messages.

Aesthetics. A good looking graphical user interface improves end-user satisfaction because it makes the user experience much more pleasant.

Action reversal. An excellent user interface should not punish its end users for their mistakes. Instead, it ought to offer them the choice to undo their actions, for instance via the typical ‘Undo’ button. In this way, users will be more relaxed while doing work and tend to discover more of the product´s options.

In addition to these Golden Principles for the design of a flexible and user friendly application interface, it is advisable to keep in mind some other aspects of a professional and flexible user interface. For instance, enabling users to get in data by means of checkboxes as well as dropdown menus, rather than being forced to enter all information manually, greatly makes easier any task. Yet another helpful element is adding dialog boxes that guide the users through the actions needed to carry out a task, and even cautious choice of icons along with other images helps to turn a steep learning curve into a short and delicate slope.

In this regard, more simple aspects such as spelling as well as grammar should be paid attention to. After all, badly-written guidelines prevents or perhaps hinder some tasks or actions, plus they certainly reflect an awful picture of both the application developers as well as the development firm.

To Software Excellence

Simply speaking, any organization that aims to stand out from the competition with professional programs of decent quality, need to pay special attention to the aspects of usability and adaptability of the software application’s graphical user interface, as these are really important and decisive aspects in software excellence.

Guarding both Web Applications and Databases Security Attacks

With companies better protecting their computer network perimeters against malicious intruders, a growing number of attacks have begun taking place at the website application and database layers instead. A recent survey shows that more than 80 percent of attacks against corporate networks these days involve Web applications. The survey suggests that a vast majority of Web applications deployed in enterprises contain vulnerabilities that can be exploited by intruders, allowing them to gain access to underlying systems and data. Despite the prevalence of such vulnerabilities, most companies are not addressing the problem due to a lack of awareness or because their budgets do not permit additional expenditures on Web application security, according to the study.

Fortunately for enterprises, a growing number of relatively inexpensive, automated Web application security tools are becoming available to help them probe their applications for exploitable security flaws. The products are designed to help companies examine application code for common errors that result in security vulnerabilities. Using such tools, companies can quickly identify issues such as SQL Injection errors, Cross-Site Scripting flaws and input validation errors, much faster than they would have been able to manually.

Most of the reputable application security testing tools that are currently available can be used to test both custom-developed Web applications and common off-the-shelf software packages. Companies typically run the tools first against their live production applications to identify and mitigate vulnerabilities that could disrupt their operations. Application security tools typically only help identify vulnerabilities. They do not automatically remedy the flaws. In addition to testing production applications, tools can also be used to test code during the application development and the quality assurance stage. Security analysts in fact, recommend that such tools be used during the development life cycle because finding and fixing flaws can be a whole lot easier and less expensive compared to doing it after an application has been deployed. A growing number of such security testing products also support features that allow companies to conduct penetration testing exercises against their application and database layer. Using such products, companies can probe their networks for flaws in much the same way that a malicious attacker would probe their networks.

Until recently, the use of such tools has been considered a security best practice, but that could start changing soon. Already, the Payment Card Industry Security Council, a body that governs security standards in the payment card space, has a rule mandating the use of application security software by all companies of a certain size that accept debit and credit card transactions. Under the rules, covered entities are required to use such tools to identify and remediate security flaws in any applications that handle payment card data. Similar rules mandating the use of such software could start becoming more commonplace as awareness of the issue grows.