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Stealth Traffic Formula Review – Simplest Guide to Increase Traffic to Your Website

Some people prefer these steps :

1. Write articles online. Writing quality articles can potentially bring hundreds of thousands of targeted prospects for your site. By writing articles you feel known as an expert, and like all experts you must produce a high volume of writing to become household name. Articles reach more people and promote website’s far more than any other online marketing strategy. On top of that it’s absolutely free. Individuals are on the Internet to find information, giving it away free people will be more inclined to read your sales letters and purchase your products. Also when publishers use your posts in their feeds or e-books your links appear within their items further bringing you increased traffic.

2. Subscribe to Google AdWords. If you know, don’t know, or at best heard of keyword optimizing, here is one of the places it comes to play. Posting those ads that appear just about everywhere (additionally about the left side of the google search), is a good spot to grab the attention of search engine prowlers. They work using cost-per-click, meaning that you pay a little amount money, anywhere from a few pennies to some dollars, for every time your ad is clicked on. You can manage just how much you spend advertising on google everyday, in addition to view analytics to track if your ads are bringing in quality traffic. You don’t need to become a SEO guru to get the most out of AdWords, you just have to make sure that you make use of the same keywords and tags used in everything linked back for your site. Even though you do not make an ad campaign you can use the adwords keyword search tool to discover what keywords are searched often and how much these ads are spending. There are lots of keyword tools available such as Word Tracker, which gives a 7 day free trial with its powerful related keyword generator to get going. A free keyword tool is google itself. Begin with a blank search box, key in your keyword, and as you do so a drop down box will appear with the most commonly used keywords associated with your own house entered.

3. If you are serious about making money online, consider different viral marketing strategies. This is the best approach to promoting through person to person. Keep in mind that crazy chicken from the Burger King commercials? Sure you need to do, that chicken was hilarious and also one of the most successful viral marketing strategy up to now. That chicken started out like a hidden camera of a man in a chicken suit, it got on the internet and the video literally blew up over night getting hundreds of thousands of hits instantly. Other types of viral marketing are your affiliate links being posted in e-books, emails, a friend telling another friend, as well as those crazy chain text messages.

4. Open a You Tube account. You Tube is really useful it’s ridiculous, and that’s why you should take advantage of it. Recently, it seems that ads can be displayed on You Tube. It can also be used in the same sense being an article only it shows that you are a real person which people appear to like. Place an instructional number of short video’s about playing piano chords or whatever and add your link over the video and in the box about you, as your videos have more hits so will your website selling piano lessons. Post an interesting video or something to maintain people chattering about and YouTube can be used like a viral marketing tool.

5. Make a sticker having a catchy logo and your web address to find the visitors that you may be unable to reach through the Internet alone. This can cost a little bit of money to have printed but utilized correctly is going to be worth it. This can be really fun and you will get your friends in onto it to spread the word even more. My personal secret with this approach would be to result in the stickers as annoying as you possibly can. Literally get out there and slap ’em everywhere, with sufficient of these out there people will be unable to get the image and URL from their heads until they check out the website themselves.

For some reason, it seems rather difficult for most people to perform, but you do not worry because there are more creative methods to do it.

Did you recently produce a website or blog? Are you considering creating one? The key to success on the web is getting traffic, find out how web masters are becoming a large number of targeted traffic views with minimal effort.

Now, let’s talk about Stealth Traffic Formula created by Shaun Smith and how it may help you. I really hope this short Stealth Traffic Formula Review will assist you to differentiate whether Stealth Traffic Formula is Scam or a Real Deal.

Stealth Traffic Formula is a new coaching program developed and being launched by Shaun Smith. It promises to let you drive abundant traffic with simply no hard work.

How do Search Engines work ?

We are very familiar with websites like Google, Yahoo, Bing.
We use these sites to get the information we need. As soon as we search for something, based on the keyword we use, we get results on the browser which are related to that keyword. So, in this way we see may websites which are matching to our keyword. The results are web pages and the box where we put the keyword is the search engine. It’s known to everyone that among all the search engines, Google search is the number one. So all our effort goes for www.google.com so that our website appears on the first page. People hardly visits the 3rd or 4th page. So all eyes on the first page.
Search results

So how does these search engines work? The method is quite complicated. Thousands of skilled people are working round the clock using some powerful software and algorithms. All the search engines has powerful database where they keep all those images, videos and documents in a much arranged way. As soon as we search for something, matched images or content appears. For example, an image stored in the database has name, and if we enter a keyword with the same name, we will see that image along with the website that contain the page. This task of collecting data by the search engines from different websites is called crawling. To perform crawling all the search engines use a software/algorithm which is called search crawler. Different search engine has different search crawler name. For example, google named it googlebot, yahoo named it Yahoo! Slup while bing calls it bingbot(also known as msnbot). These bots visits all the websites and collect data continuously. When a website is visited by this bot, it’s considered that the website is being indexed by the search engine. Once a website is indexed, the keywords found on that website will be shown in the search result. However, the website might not appear in the first page rather it will be on later pages.

So the question is, how can that website will appear in the first or second page? It depends on many factors. One of them is the search crawler visit. The more frequently the search crawler will visit the website, more up front the site will be placed in search result pages. So this is the basic! The more frequently you will make the bot visit the targeted site the more front that site will be placed. This is called search engine optimization (SEO). There are 2 types of SEO. On-page and Off-page SEO. Both are equally important for optimization. So there you go, as soon as you open a new website your target should be how to make the site appear on the first or second page. To do so, you need to perform search engine optimization.