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General Benefits of Link building

Today, in this post, we’ll discuss the top benefits of link building in the process of search engine optimization.

A Lithe History about Link building:

Most Internet users are unaware of this fact but links are the basic foundation blocks of the Internet. In their earlier days, all the web pages use to function on links only. Ever wondered what ‘http’ means in the address bar? Well, that is ‘hyper text transfer protocol’ and the ‘hyper text’ of this http means the links. Any document on the Internet is distinguished by the links.

The General Benefits of Link building Process:

First and foremost, links are the means to simply navigate between different documents present on any website. However, along with just routine site navigation, link building is crucial in increasing the usability of your website’s data quality and information.

How this is done? In an easy, non-technical language, links are used to link the words within the data/information/articles/writings – and even extend like a tree – with the other important documents such as the resources, the definitions, the interest items and alike, without disturbing the rhythm of the actual originating concept. So, simply put link building makes your website more usable and informational, which in turn makes the Internet more usable and informational.

Link building can create direct traffic for your website better than any other mean. Let’s try and understand this as a 9 year old. Most Internet users are not afraid of clicking – and following – the links that are on their favorite websites. So when your links are on those popular websites that most people trust and value, there are every chance of you getting better click through rates and unique daily user numbers.

Internet users are likely to trust your website more when they are directed to it through another website that they already trust, know and like. Taking an example of Yahoo! Let’s say you manage to have Yahoo! display your link on their website. Now, just imagine the visibility that this gives you. Literally hundreds and thousands of users might come to your website and a significant percentage of them are likely to stick because they were directed by Yahoo!

Search engine optimization is important for any professional website in today’s world and link building is one of the better ways of securing high Search engine ranking. Major search engines take every link as a vote of confidence. So the more links different websites have for your site, the more popular and reliable your website is considered.

Link building also helps in summarizing your website’s content in one or two simple and easy sentences, at times, even a few words. This is easy, quick and convenient for both the website owners and the users.

Link building helps establish your website in the social networking communities that have mushroomed on the Internet today. It is both important and profitable from your website’s popularity viewpoint if these social networking sites flash your website’s links.

General Benefits of Link building

Today, in this post, we’ll discuss the top benefits of link building in the process of search engine optimization.

A Lithe History about Link building:

Most Internet users are unaware of this fact but links are the basic foundation blocks of the Internet. In their earlier days, all the web pages use to function on links only. Ever wondered what ‘http’ means in the address bar? Well, that is ‘hyper text transfer protocol’ and the ‘hyper text’ of this http means the links. Any document on the Internet is distinguished by the links.

The General Benefits of Link building Process:

First and foremost, links are the means to simply navigate between different documents present on any website. However, along with just routine site navigation, link building is crucial in increasing the usability of your website’s data quality and information.

How this is done? In an easy, non-technical language, links are used to link the words within the data/information/articles/writings – and even extend like a tree – with the other important documents such as the resources, the definitions, the interest items and alike, without disturbing the rhythm of the actual originating concept. So, simply put link building makes your website more usable and informational, which in turn makes the Internet more usable and informational.

Link building can create direct traffic for your website better than any other mean. Let’s try and understand this as a 9 year old. Most Internet users are not afraid of clicking – and following – the links that are on their favorite websites. So when your links are on those popular websites that most people trust and value, there are every chance of you getting better click through rates and unique daily user numbers.

Internet users are likely to trust your website more when they are directed to it through another website that they already trust, know and like. Taking an example of Yahoo! Let’s say you manage to have Yahoo! display your link on their website. Now, just imagine the visibility that this gives you. Literally hundreds and thousands of users might come to your website and a significant percentage of them are likely to stick because they were directed by Yahoo!

Search engine optimization is important for any professional website in today’s world and link building is one of the better ways of securing high Search engine ranking. Major search engines take every link as a vote of confidence. So the more links different websites have for your site, the more popular and reliable your website is considered.

Link building also helps in summarizing your website’s content in one or two simple and easy sentences, at times, even a few words. This is easy, quick and convenient for both the website owners and the users.

Link building helps establish your website in the social networking communities that have mushroomed on the Internet today. It is both important and profitable from your website’s popularity viewpoint if these social networking sites flash your website’s links.

A Stuxnet Malware FAQ and How to Avoid It

Stuxnet is a new piece of malware that is spreading widely through the use of USB flash drives. It is starting to be quite a danger, especially in industrial plants, and many in the security business are getting very nervous. What follows is an FAQ about the Stuxnet malware.

How does Stuxnet spread?

Stuxnet spreads through USB devices. A recently discovered Microsoft Windows vulnerability has been found to allow a program to run just by browsing to a folder that contains a shortcut to it, or a “.lnk” file. Once the worm runs it scans to see if the computer is running software created by a company known as Siemens, which is very popular in certain industries. If this is the case, the worm is able to install itself on the victim computer. It will infect all future removable media that is connected to the computer and installs a rootkit, a very sophisticated type of software that deletes all record of the worm existing on the computer. After that the computer continues to steal as much data as possible from the computer and transmit it back to a remote location.

What does Stuxnet do?

Stuxnet is considered by many people to be the first-ever “control system” malware. What this means is that it has the capability of infecting control systems for large companies and factories that use software created by Siemens. Unfortunately, this software is very widely used, especially in large industrial manufacturing organizations, small and large utilities, and even defense systems. In one case it was found that this software could infect nuclear-powered aircraft carriers.

How widespread is Stuxnet and where is it most common?

At the moment Stuxnet is not that widespread. It is most common in India, Indonesia, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, the United States, and Malaysia, in that order. However, it has the potential to spread very rapidly. It only affects computers running Siemens software, but computers without that software can still act as “carriers,” infecting other removable media that is inserted into them. Other countries have seen infections, but mostly they have been localized and have not caused any damage so far.

How dangerous is Stuxnet?

This is always the big question with a large virus outbreak. Right now Stuxnet is not that dangerous. Unfortunately, it is targeted at “Control Systems.” Siemens is most known for making software for sophisticated systems used in such areas as the military, large industrial plants, and utility plants. If any of these were to be infected the damage could be irreparable. The infection is clearly tailored to steal confidential information and possibly shut down “smart grids.” Therefore, while it is not a danger to consumers, any large corporation or plant must be very careful to avoid this infection.