Tag Archives: any business

Data Protection, Data Management, Online Backup, Cloud Services.

Gone are the days when the needs of data archiving, backup and recovery were the major concerns of an IT department. In modern times this process has also secured a pivotal place in the growing corporate and/or commercial issues.

Loss or theft of critical data can definitely impact the day to day running of any business. The need of data protection and data management has now become vital in the security of a company’s success. Redstor pride themselves in being an organisation leading the way for cloud services and data protection solutions throughout the United Kingdom. So, if you need to take cover from any loss of data or customer information that can be harmful to you and the overall existence of your brand and its reputation, you need to employ the services of Redstor.

Since 1998, Redstor services have been assuring the security of complex data structures for organisations across remote, central or worldwide locations that have been second to none. The efficient and effective cloud services offered make it easier for them to access their critical data whenever or wherever they wish.

Redstor are committed to walk the extra mile offering any business unit or individual every possible measure to protect and preserve their customer data. Safeguarding their interests in the most appropriate manner a dedicated customer support team customised for each individual company, has actually made Redstor one of the main competitors in its sector.

In addition to a strong foothold Redstor also have an equally prominent presence in the English Education Market with partnerships linking them to over 85-service providers addressing over 14,000 schools all throughout the United Kingdom. They are focused in delivering simplified solutions of device management services through solutions like CentraStage.

Launched in the year of 2005, the Redstor Online Backup service now dons to have over 350 TBs of customer data under its umbrella, which is one of the largest of its kind in the United Kingdom.

In ensuring that you experience the most reliable service for data protection and data management, Redstor maintains symmetry with the latest prescribed law and guidelines. Redstor will assure that not only will they serve you with the best data storage solutions and backups, but will also provide you with these solutions, in an ethical and legal manner.

Data Protection, Data Management, Online Backup, Cloud Services.

Gone are the days when the needs of data archiving, backup and recovery were the major concerns of an IT department. In modern times this process has also secured a pivotal place in the growing corporate and/or commercial issues.

Loss or theft of critical data can definitely impact the day to day running of any business. The need of data protection and data management has now become vital in the security of a company’s success. Redstor pride themselves in being an organisation leading the way for cloud services and data protection solutions throughout the United Kingdom. So, if you need to take cover from any loss of data or customer information that can be harmful to you and the overall existence of your brand and its reputation, you need to employ the services of Redstor.

Since 1998, Redstor services have been assuring the security of complex data structures for organisations across remote, central or worldwide locations that have been second to none. The efficient and effective cloud services offered make it easier for them to access their critical data whenever or wherever they wish.

Redstor are committed to walk the extra mile offering any business unit or individual every possible measure to protect and preserve their customer data. Safeguarding their interests in the most appropriate manner a dedicated customer support team customised for each individual company, has actually made Redstor one of the main competitors in its sector.

In addition to a strong foothold Redstor also have an equally prominent presence in the English Education Market with partnerships linking them to over 85-service providers addressing over 14,000 schools all throughout the United Kingdom. They are focused in delivering simplified solutions of device management services through solutions like CentraStage.

Launched in the year of 2005, the Redstor Online Backup service now dons to have over 350 TBs of customer data under its umbrella, which is one of the largest of its kind in the United Kingdom.

In ensuring that you experience the most reliable service for data protection and data management, Redstor maintains symmetry with the latest prescribed law and guidelines. Redstor will assure that not only will they serve you with the best data storage solutions and backups, but will also provide you with these solutions, in an ethical and legal manner.

Web design is dead!

Before people become too incredulous with this statement this author believes no. Web design is not dead, neither are the firms who are offering such services dead. It was something I heard recently with regard to the proliferation of blog publishing systems and with many sites offering free templates.With the apparent availability of a cheap instant web presence, is there is any need for anyone to sit down any more and learn how to create a website from scratch and all the programming and design skills that this demands, and subsequently for any business to invest in the people who offer that service? Well obviously this statement is something of an insult to all the talented designers and programmers out there, and the million of students investing time into learning these skills, and fortunately the statements are wide of the mark. Businesses do want to hire web design companies, and personally I think it’s in their interests to do so. The purpose of this article is not to simply knock creators of templates, as they are designers themselves – it is simply to suggest that there is sometimes there is an alternative, that will pay dividends in the long run.

Businesses want to cut corners, the market is tough globally – when faced with the choice of spending $5,000 on a site and less than a $100.00 for some businesses it is an easy choice. There are millions of ready to go websites out there, some are stunning, some are quite frankly not. Some are dated, some are not. But my advice to any business would be not to dive into the ‘cheap end’ immediately.

Having a professional web design company design a bespoke website will enhance your brand, it isn’t a necessarily a question of avoiding duplication, i.e risking choosing a cheap template another company is using, it’s about starting your own perception of your business on a strong footing, giving you the confidence in your brand from the outset. A professional web design company will be able to work with you from the ground up to achieve a brand you can be proud of. If you work with a committed web design team from the start they can grow with your company, understand your goals and react to your changing business goals. In that sense they become a valued extra member of your team.

It’s understandable why many businesses strive to cut costs, especially start-up businesses, but in today’s crowded markets and where your on-line presence has become critical, it’s worth listing your web presence on your list of costs as high as your office IT requirements.