Tag Archives: adware

Current Computer Spyware Threats

Computer Spyware is a form of malware which will infect your computer without permission and can be used to steal your private information. Spyware has been used to log keystrokes made on your computer and send sensitive email and banking information to remotely located hackers, change your default home and search engine pages, and serve as a gateway for download of additional malware to your computer. The number of Spyware threats on the Internet increases daily! Spyware can come in many disguises to include adware, fake anti-spyware programs, and other legitimate files and applications. Five of the top Spyware Threats are: 1 – Fake XPA Trojan Virus, 2 – BaiduSadar 3 – Barracuda Spyware, 4 – GameVance, and 5 – HotBar.

Spyware Threat 1 – Win32/Fake XPA Trojan Virus

The FakeXPA iTrojan Virus also functions as Spyware once installed on your computer. It hides its real purpose of data mining, hacking your computer, spreading additional Malware, Spyware, and Adware. This FakeXPA is a kind of family of programs, which will claim to scan the system for malware and after scanning, it issues fake warning like malicious viruses and programs have been detected. This will tell the user to pay money in order to register for the software so that non-existent threats can be removed. FakeXPA may display a dialog that exactly mimics the Windows Security Center to trick unsuspecting computer users. Removal of Fake XPA is considered critical for your online safety.

Spyware Threat 2 – Barracuda Spyware
Barracuda Spyware is a fake anti-spyware program that tricks you into thinking your computer is infected. Barracuda will then attempt to convince you that its promoted product must be downloaded in order to remove the infection from your computer. Unfortunately, if you buy the product, the computer becomes even more infected! Other names for the Barracuda Spyware are: FakeAler-C, SpywareProtect2009, FakeAV-LS, Adware.SpywareProtect 2009, FaudPack.kho, Antivirus System Pro, Barracuda Antivirus, Security Central, and FakeSpyPro. Barracuda Spyware removal is critical in order to prevent continued malware download to your computer.

Spyware Threat 3 – Win32/BaiduSadar
Win32.Baidu Sobar is considered to be a browser modifier version of adware. It ill install a web browser toolbar on your Internet Browser and then deliver a significant number of pop-up advertisements and will change your default search engine page. Although by itself, BaiduSadar does not carry a malicious payload, the webpages that it forces you to surf to in place of Google, MSN, and Yahoo are capable of delivering a destructive payload to your computer. If infected with BaiduSadar, you should focus on Spyware removal.

Spyware Threat 4 – Win32/Hotbar
Adware Hotbar will display a toolbar and targeted pop-up ads on your computer based on your Internet surfing history. Hotbar’s toolbar will appear in both Internet and Windows Explorer on computers that run the Windows Operating System. When you click a button on the toolbar it will open a webpage that will open a different advertising website. The Hotbar malware will report your browsing history and other information to a remotely located server without permission. It should be removed upon detection.

Spyware Threat 5 – Game Vance – Adware
Game Vance Adware refers to advertisements that display ads on your computer and track usage in exchange for free game play at the Game Vance website. When you register for the Game Vance free game play service, one agrees to allow the ads run on their computer. After the End User Licensing Agreement is signed, however, you will have a significant number of advertisements displayed on your computer that can prove difficult to remove. If you have signed up for the Game Vance Adware, it should be removed since the program will send your private information without permission to a remotely located server.

The Adware Removal Report

Does your computer run much slower than you remember it running when you first got it? This isn’t a natural degradation of your computer, it is almost guaranteed to be parasitic programs that are leeching your system’s resources. These parasites are most commonly called spyware or adware. They do a lot more than just slow down your computer though.

There are a few telltale signs that you have some sort of spyware or adware (almost all internet users have at least some form of it that they are unaware of!):

* If you’ve ever downloaded music or movies off of the internet

* Your PC runs much slower than it used too

* You often find yourself closing obnoxious popups or uninstalling programs that you don’t remember installing

* You find your homepage constantly changing without your consent

Most of these are just accepted as normal acts of an aging computer, when in fact, it is most likely due to parasites such as spyware and adware infecting the system. Just because you often browse the internet and popups fly out of every direction doesn’t mean that it’s the website’s fault. In most circumstances (for honest sites anyways) it is actually some program on your computer causing it.

When it comes to parasites such as spyware and adware, computer users think they have nothing to worry about except for the popups and such. The truth is, you have way more to worry about than just those annoyances. Not only are you risking your privacy by having spyware, but you’re risking your life as you know it.

That last statement may seem a bit drastic, but it isn’t. What spyware is really capable of is a very scary notion. Not only can it track every website that you visit, but it can track the information that you provide to said site. If you go to your online banking account and enter your information, spyware has the ability to transmit all of your bank information back to its creator.

It doesn’t stop there either. More often than not, once this information is transmitted to the spyware’s creator, they then sell it to hundreds or thousands of people. That means your bank information, social security number, and credit card numbers could be sitting in hundreds of peoples emails. This is how identity theft really happens.

Spyware and adware are beatable however. There is a free report on the matter available under the name “Adware Removal” which not only describes what spyware and adware are capable of, but how to rid yourself of them as well. If you value your privacy then you should at least read through it, you may be surprised at what you didn’t know.

There are so many tools these days that say they get rid of spyware and adware that you just don’t know which ones to trust. The most recommendable course of action is to find one which offers a free scan, this allows you to see if you actually need a removal tool or not. The report mentioned above includes information about recommended programs as well as more information, and remember, it’s free.

To learn more about adware and spyware removal, check out the free Adware Removal report. Feel free to distribute this article in any form as long as you include this resource box. You can also include your affiliate link if you sign up at Clickbank Pirate.

The Adware Removal Report

Does your computer run much slower than you remember it running when you first got it? This isn’t a natural degradation of your computer, it is almost guaranteed to be parasitic programs that are leeching your system’s resources. These parasites are most commonly called spyware or adware. They do a lot more than just slow down your computer though.

There are a few telltale signs that you have some sort of spyware or adware (almost all internet users have at least some form of it that they are unaware of!):

* If you’ve ever downloaded music or movies off of the internet

* Your PC runs much slower than it used too

* You often find yourself closing obnoxious popups or uninstalling programs that you don’t remember installing

* You find your homepage constantly changing without your consent

Most of these are just accepted as normal acts of an aging computer, when in fact, it is most likely due to parasites such as spyware and adware infecting the system. Just because you often browse the internet and popups fly out of every direction doesn’t mean that it’s the website’s fault. In most circumstances (for honest sites anyways) it is actually some program on your computer causing it.

When it comes to parasites such as spyware and adware, computer users think they have nothing to worry about except for the popups and such. The truth is, you have way more to worry about than just those annoyances. Not only are you risking your privacy by having spyware, but you’re risking your life as you know it.

That last statement may seem a bit drastic, but it isn’t. What spyware is really capable of is a very scary notion. Not only can it track every website that you visit, but it can track the information that you provide to said site. If you go to your online banking account and enter your information, spyware has the ability to transmit all of your bank information back to its creator.

It doesn’t stop there either. More often than not, once this information is transmitted to the spyware’s creator, they then sell it to hundreds or thousands of people. That means your bank information, social security number, and credit card numbers could be sitting in hundreds of peoples emails. This is how identity theft really happens.

Spyware and adware are beatable however. There is a free report on the matter available under the name “Adware Removal” which not only describes what spyware and adware are capable of, but how to rid yourself of them as well. If you value your privacy then you should at least read through it, you may be surprised at what you didn’t know.

There are so many tools these days that say they get rid of spyware and adware that you just don’t know which ones to trust. The most recommendable course of action is to find one which offers a free scan, this allows you to see if you actually need a removal tool or not. The report mentioned above includes information about recommended programs as well as more information, and remember, it’s free.

To learn more about adware and spyware removal, check out the free Adware Removal report. Feel free to distribute this article in any form as long as you include this resource box. You can also include your affiliate link if you sign up at Clickbank Pirate.