Tag Archives: advertising

Link Building That Works

There are several different ways to build links for traffic and for search engine rankings. Matt Cutts describes the best links as links which are given freely by authoritative sources that are trusted by visitors and Google themselves. (to paraphrase)

So the following tactics will get you those kinds of links:

1. Linkbaiting ‘ writing controversial, wise, witty, valuable, or otherwise good content that gets other people talking about you on their sites, linking back to your post.

2. Press Releases ‘ This may seem counter-intuitive since most people think press release syndication is only about “placing” links where you want them across a large network. But think of it this way: PRWeb.com has a trackback feature where bloggers can do a trackback to your release and get a valuable link back to their site in the process. They talk up your release and your release gets more traffic, link popularity, which sends you more traffic from the release including more link popularity by having a release that actually ranks.

Link Buying

Text Link Brokers and Text Link Ads (both .com) are the best places to buy advertising. I say advertising because you shouldn’t be buying links just for pagerank. I get more traffic than you do and my pagerank sucks. Plus if Google finds out you are buying links solely to manipulate their rankings, they will zap you.

(I know this is stupid. How can Google know the difference between you buying a link on a site for traffic and buying it to manipulate their link popularity algorithm? It’s a ridiculous argument to say they know why I bought a link. Google doesn’t know your reasoning for buying advertising other than you want more exposure. Keep it that way by not talking about “buying links” and instead call it advertising. That’s really what it is.)

Don’t buy links for pagerank. Here’s another reason:

You should be buying ads for traffic directly from the site you are buying from. Search engine rankings are a side effect of good advertising, not the reason for it.

Authoritative Directories

There are directories you must be listed in if you are serious about your online business. And they cost money. Sorry, but you can play the “free” game for years before you see any serious traffic from free link building alone.

You can gain a lot by submitting to Yahoo Directory, Best of the Web, What You Seek and other human edited paid directories. Google trusts the sites they find there and so do the visitors who use these directories to search.

You can circumvent any paid linking and advertising and still succeed. But I’m willing to bet you don’t want to wait as long as it is going to take to get the results you are looking for by going to totally free link building route.

How to Engage in RSS Marketing (Page 1 of 2)

RSS marketing is quite different and unique as compared to most of the other internet marketing tools or technologies. In RSS marketing, success or failure lies in the hands of the consumer or the internet user. Although this may sound scary from a business perspective but at the same time there are certain advantages.

There are some online businesses that have garnered a good click-through-rate varying from 7% to 10% using RSS feeds and this means that it has actually outperformed various other mediums of online advertising. Of course this number can’t be reached overnight. There has to be a strategy in place and the execution has to be perfect to derive such a high click-through-rate.

For those who have not been able to capitalize using RSS marketing and for those who are new to RSS marketing, here are some tips that will definitely help you in leveraging consumer control in RSS. The tips are as follows:

Feed characteristics There are many websites who have their feeds while others don’t. It is not necessary that the feeds in the websites that have them will be created equally. There are quite a few variables that have to be considered during content delivery using RSS feeds. Let us look at an example: Some websites like My Yahoo is able to display only the headlines of their RSS feeds while websites like Bloglines are able to show almost the entire feed or complete article content. So there are some publishers who will provide only partial feed while others might provide entire content in the feed.

In marketing terms, this means that you should know how you will present the content and what the marketing message will look like. If you are not aware of the various characteristics of a feed, then RSS marketing can be a risky proposition. It is important to hence understand the feed characteristics and identify the methods of distribution. You need to think and imagine in advance how your consumer will receive this feed, and how it will help them to make an informed marketing decision, which will help your business in the long-run.

One of the prevailing issues is that of full feed vs. partial feed. Let us take another example. If an online publication has 5,000 RSS feed subscribers and the publisher is offering only the first paragraph of each of their articles in the RSS feed then the reader will have to click through each of the feed to view the entire content. There are many internet readers or users who will skim quickly through the feed content click through directly to the website. In such a scenario, if the publication has placed any advertisements in their feed then the consumer will miss it completely. So the online publication might get a high readership rate but will be a bad option for RSS advertising because the click-through-rate is low.

Hence it is extremely important to evaluate the various feeds where you would want to advertise.

Make content interactive If your content is not interactive or engaging then it will not attract too many RSS consumers. Consumers are not looking for saleable content; they are looking for useful and relevant information. For example if you are running an advertising campaign for the launch of a new paint then you need to target the different home improvement blogs and websites as a part of your RSS advertising & marketing campaign. In a home improvement blog, you will find the audience who will be interested about the various aspects of home improvement and how it can be done and what all they can use. This will boost your advertising efforts.

How to Engage in RSS Marketing (Page 1 of 2)

RSS marketing is quite different and unique as compared to most of the other internet marketing tools or technologies. In RSS marketing, success or failure lies in the hands of the consumer or the internet user. Although this may sound scary from a business perspective but at the same time there are certain advantages.

There are some online businesses that have garnered a good click-through-rate varying from 7% to 10% using RSS feeds and this means that it has actually outperformed various other mediums of online advertising. Of course this number can’t be reached overnight. There has to be a strategy in place and the execution has to be perfect to derive such a high click-through-rate.

For those who have not been able to capitalize using RSS marketing and for those who are new to RSS marketing, here are some tips that will definitely help you in leveraging consumer control in RSS. The tips are as follows:

Feed characteristics There are many websites who have their feeds while others don’t. It is not necessary that the feeds in the websites that have them will be created equally. There are quite a few variables that have to be considered during content delivery using RSS feeds. Let us look at an example: Some websites like My Yahoo is able to display only the headlines of their RSS feeds while websites like Bloglines are able to show almost the entire feed or complete article content. So there are some publishers who will provide only partial feed while others might provide entire content in the feed.

In marketing terms, this means that you should know how you will present the content and what the marketing message will look like. If you are not aware of the various characteristics of a feed, then RSS marketing can be a risky proposition. It is important to hence understand the feed characteristics and identify the methods of distribution. You need to think and imagine in advance how your consumer will receive this feed, and how it will help them to make an informed marketing decision, which will help your business in the long-run.

One of the prevailing issues is that of full feed vs. partial feed. Let us take another example. If an online publication has 5,000 RSS feed subscribers and the publisher is offering only the first paragraph of each of their articles in the RSS feed then the reader will have to click through each of the feed to view the entire content. There are many internet readers or users who will skim quickly through the feed content click through directly to the website. In such a scenario, if the publication has placed any advertisements in their feed then the consumer will miss it completely. So the online publication might get a high readership rate but will be a bad option for RSS advertising because the click-through-rate is low.

Hence it is extremely important to evaluate the various feeds where you would want to advertise.

Make content interactive If your content is not interactive or engaging then it will not attract too many RSS consumers. Consumers are not looking for saleable content; they are looking for useful and relevant information. For example if you are running an advertising campaign for the launch of a new paint then you need to target the different home improvement blogs and websites as a part of your RSS advertising & marketing campaign. In a home improvement blog, you will find the audience who will be interested about the various aspects of home improvement and how it can be done and what all they can use. This will boost your advertising efforts.