Tag Archives: add

SEO Techniques For Outside Your Site.

It’s great to know you have made a fantastic start in terms of SEO by optimizing the content in all of the pages of your site. This can actually take a while depending on how your site is structured. You may need to create a sitemap which search engine bots like along with a cleaner layout where the headers and subheaders clearly show and have the necessary keywords. Optimizing the content and sprinkling keywords is one of the more important SEO techniques to get familiar with. But once you are confident with your site’s optimization, don’t stop there. Take your knowledge of SEO techniques outside your site so your website has even more exposure. Don’t forget that having lots of inbound links is important for your site to successfully take in SEO traffic. If you do not know where or how to get started, just visit these good offsite areas for executing your SEO techniques.

Article Directories If you want the quickest possible start, article directories should be your first stop. There are so many article directories in the net and the most popular ones are extremely easy to find. Just type “articles” in Google and visit the sites that you see on the first page. Submitting an article is not very difficult as long as you read the rules. If your site has a blog that is filled with interesting content, you should be able to copy the content and paste it as an article submission for a particular site. Then, you can add a link after the article so readers to visit your website. If the article is already optimized, search engines should be able to index the article very quickly especially if the article directory has a high page ranking. Even if links are not allowed in articles, you can always create an account and edit your profile where you can add the site you want to advertise as your homepage just in case people decide to view your profile just because your article is well-written.

Video Sharing Sites SEO techniques are all about good use of words. Video sharing sounds like it has nothing to do with words but do not forget that video sharing sites not only allow you to upload videos but also allow you to tag and describe them. Use your SEO techniques to make optimized descriptions. Just pretend you are posting an ad in an advertisement directory because that kind of text should be enough to fit in a video description. When adding tags, simply put the keyword phrases that you frequently use for your onsite optimization.

Blogs Having a blog is great for making your site optimized and easy to update but that still counts as onsite optimization. However, there are so many other blogs where you can add content to. Just because you do not have admin access to the blog doesn’t mean that it isn’t impossible to add optimized content or an inbound link to the blog. Many blogs allow others to comment which can serve as a nice entry point for unleashing your SEO techniques. Blogs are not as flexible as article directories since some bloggers may just delete your post for spamming but if you make quality posts that will appeal both the blogger and his or her readers, your post should stand and the search engine should index it.

Could Not Open Socket reCAPTCHA Error

After months of receiving spam through my contact forms I decided it was time to add reCAPTCHA to them in the hope of stemming the tide of garbage. This now under the control of Google I thought there wasn’t going to be an issue with this. Having just installed reCAPTCHA on my works websites I knew what to do and all went well on those sites. On the Friday I did 3 forms on my own sites and all worked as expected, on the Saturday I did the last form I had, but that one didn’t work. All I kept getting was a ‘could not open socket’ error.

Initially I thought I must have made some error in the code but after checking the code against that which I had done the day before I could see no error. And more over the 3 forms I did the day before that worked, now no longer worked and displayed the same error message, what the hell?? Most frustrating was the fact that this was all the message said and gave no clue as to what was causing it. I made a number of attempts to find which section of code that was at fault by adding echo’s throughout the php code but none of them showed, only that damned error message. I thought there must be something wrong with the server.

Someone must have had this issue before so I turned my attention to Google for an answer. As I started to type ‘could not open socket’ the autocomplete came up with ‘could not open socket recaptcha’, ah ha! But I couldn’t think why it could have worked yesterday and not today? After reading many unhelpful posts’ I found this: http://code.google.com/p/recaptcha/issues/detail?id=26 which although didn’t have the exact answer it did help me to realise the answers to my own issues.

After reading through this thread I came to the conclusion that my problem was 2 fold and explained why it had worked yesterday and not today. The main problem was my web host, in their attempt to be helpful they introduced (a long time back) blocking of outgoing connections to remote IPs from within my sites. This is one to be aware of if you are auto blogging using wp-o-matic, any feed you add will most likely be blocked by this until you add the IP to the allowed list from within your control panel.

I assume there is a good reason for them doing this but it can imagine it has caused nightmares for the inexperienced. Obviously it had worked yesterday because it was new, once the server knew the connection was being made it blocked it. It was probably the number of tests I did that made the connection get noticed and was possibly a good job it was noticed so quickly or I might not have noticed it for some time.

So which IP was I to add to the allowed list? The line of code in recaptchalib.php identified as the problem in the above thread was:

define(“RECAPTCHA_VERIFY_SERVER”, www.google.com);

So what I needed was the IP of google.com.

Could Not Open Socket reCAPTCHA Error

After months of receiving spam through my contact forms I decided it was time to add reCAPTCHA to them in the hope of stemming the tide of garbage. This now under the control of Google I thought there wasn’t going to be an issue with this. Having just installed reCAPTCHA on my works websites I knew what to do and all went well on those sites. On the Friday I did 3 forms on my own sites and all worked as expected, on the Saturday I did the last form I had, but that one didn’t work. All I kept getting was a ‘could not open socket’ error.

Initially I thought I must have made some error in the code but after checking the code against that which I had done the day before I could see no error. And more over the 3 forms I did the day before that worked, now no longer worked and displayed the same error message, what the hell?? Most frustrating was the fact that this was all the message said and gave no clue as to what was causing it. I made a number of attempts to find which section of code that was at fault by adding echo’s throughout the php code but none of them showed, only that damned error message. I thought there must be something wrong with the server.

Someone must have had this issue before so I turned my attention to Google for an answer. As I started to type ‘could not open socket’ the autocomplete came up with ‘could not open socket recaptcha’, ah ha! But I couldn’t think why it could have worked yesterday and not today? After reading many unhelpful posts’ I found this: http://code.google.com/p/recaptcha/issues/detail?id=26 which although didn’t have the exact answer it did help me to realise the answers to my own issues.

After reading through this thread I came to the conclusion that my problem was 2 fold and explained why it had worked yesterday and not today. The main problem was my web host, in their attempt to be helpful they introduced (a long time back) blocking of outgoing connections to remote IPs from within my sites. This is one to be aware of if you are auto blogging using wp-o-matic, any feed you add will most likely be blocked by this until you add the IP to the allowed list from within your control panel.

I assume there is a good reason for them doing this but it can imagine it has caused nightmares for the inexperienced. Obviously it had worked yesterday because it was new, once the server knew the connection was being made it blocked it. It was probably the number of tests I did that made the connection get noticed and was possibly a good job it was noticed so quickly or I might not have noticed it for some time.

So which IP was I to add to the allowed list? The line of code in recaptchalib.php identified as the problem in the above thread was:

define(“RECAPTCHA_VERIFY_SERVER”, www.google.com);

So what I needed was the IP of google.com.