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The 5 Most Common Types of Viruses

Computer viruses are those malicious programs that once they infect your computer, they will start causing mass destruction to your PC. Similar to biological viruses, they can multiply in various ways and develop from one type to another. Since there are hundreds of viruses out there, here are the five basic types of viruses that people are most likely to encounter, in order to make the identifying process easier.

• Trojan Virus
• Worms
• Macro Virus
• Boot Sector Virus
• File Infector Virus

Trojan Virus – This virus appears to be nothing more than an interesting computer program or file of a user who’s interested in collecting audio files. Once this virus enters your computer, it doesn’t reproduce, but instead makes your computer vulnerable to malicious intruders by allowing them to access and read your files. A Trojan horse must be sent by someone or carried by a program or software of some sort. The malicious functionality of a Trojan horse may be anything undesirable for a computer user, including data destruction or compromising a system by providing a means for another computer to gain access, thus bypassing normal access controls.

Worm – A Worm is a virus program that copies and multiplies itself by using computer networks and security flaws. Worms are more complex than Trojan viruses, I should say, and usually attacks multi-user systems. It can spread over corporate networks via the circulation of emails. Once multiplied, the copied worms scan the network for further escape and will then cause errors on the network.

Macro Virus – This type of virus usually comes as part of a document or spreadsheet, more often found in an email. Many of the current macro viruses are written in this language and attached to Word documents. This capability is powerful, but allows viruses to be written and executed much more easily than by using other methods.

Boot Sector Virus – A virus which attaches itself to the first part of the hard disk that is read by the computer upon start up, which are normally spread by floppy disks. In time, they can spread to other readable disks. Booting problems and start up problems, problems with retrieving data, computer performance instability and the inability to locate hard drives are all issues that may arise due to a boot sector virus infection.

File Infector Virus – As the name indicates, this type of virus was designed to avoid detection by antivirus software by changing itself internally. Upon running a program that has been corrupted by a file infector, the virus copies the malicious code and applies it to other executable applications on the computer. Files that are the most vulnerable to this type of infection have the extensions of EXE. and .COM, though any file is capable of execution can be infected.

How to fight some of these viruses is still completely a puzzle for anti-virus makers. However, knowing a little about your enemies could be an advantage to get vital information on how to defend your computer from those threats. Read on Virus Removal Help – How to Remove Viruses Easily From Your PC? in order to become more familiar with the steps on how to remove the common types of viruses from your computer.

The 5 Most Common Types of Viruses

Computer viruses are those malicious programs that once they infect your computer, they will start causing mass destruction to your PC. Similar to biological viruses, they can multiply in various ways and develop from one type to another. Since there are hundreds of viruses out there, here are the five basic types of viruses that people are most likely to encounter, in order to make the identifying process easier.

• Trojan Virus
• Worms
• Macro Virus
• Boot Sector Virus
• File Infector Virus

Trojan Virus – This virus appears to be nothing more than an interesting computer program or file of a user who’s interested in collecting audio files. Once this virus enters your computer, it doesn’t reproduce, but instead makes your computer vulnerable to malicious intruders by allowing them to access and read your files. A Trojan horse must be sent by someone or carried by a program or software of some sort. The malicious functionality of a Trojan horse may be anything undesirable for a computer user, including data destruction or compromising a system by providing a means for another computer to gain access, thus bypassing normal access controls.

Worm – A Worm is a virus program that copies and multiplies itself by using computer networks and security flaws. Worms are more complex than Trojan viruses, I should say, and usually attacks multi-user systems. It can spread over corporate networks via the circulation of emails. Once multiplied, the copied worms scan the network for further escape and will then cause errors on the network.

Macro Virus – This type of virus usually comes as part of a document or spreadsheet, more often found in an email. Many of the current macro viruses are written in this language and attached to Word documents. This capability is powerful, but allows viruses to be written and executed much more easily than by using other methods.

Boot Sector Virus – A virus which attaches itself to the first part of the hard disk that is read by the computer upon start up, which are normally spread by floppy disks. In time, they can spread to other readable disks. Booting problems and start up problems, problems with retrieving data, computer performance instability and the inability to locate hard drives are all issues that may arise due to a boot sector virus infection.

File Infector Virus – As the name indicates, this type of virus was designed to avoid detection by antivirus software by changing itself internally. Upon running a program that has been corrupted by a file infector, the virus copies the malicious code and applies it to other executable applications on the computer. Files that are the most vulnerable to this type of infection have the extensions of EXE. and .COM, though any file is capable of execution can be infected.

How to fight some of these viruses is still completely a puzzle for anti-virus makers. However, knowing a little about your enemies could be an advantage to get vital information on how to defend your computer from those threats. Read on Virus Removal Help – How to Remove Viruses Easily From Your PC? in order to become more familiar with the steps on how to remove the common types of viruses from your computer.

How to Remove Security Essentials 2010

Security Essential 2010 is a rogue anti-spyware program from the family of Internet Security 2010. This malware is installed in PC by Trojans which pretend to be Flash update claiming to be an essential software to view video online. When a user clicks on this so-called ‘Flash Update’ program, instead of helping in watching videos online, it installs other malware and spyware in the PC.

As an example – C:WINDOWSsystem32smss32.exe is a similar Trojan that hijacks desktop with security warning, displays pop-ups with messages ‘you are infected’ which are actually fake messages. And at last it installs Security Essentials 2010.

While Security Essentials 2010 is running, you will be shown nag screens and fake security warnings from Windows task bar. Some of the warnings:

System Warning:
. Continue working in unprotected mode is very dangerous.
. Viruses can damage your confidential data and work on your computer.
. Click here to protect your computer.
. Intercepting programs that may compromise your privacy and harm your system have been detected on your PC.
. It’s highly recommended you scan your PC right now.

Danger quotient – Once Security Essentials 2010 gets installed on your PC, it automatically starts updating itself the moment you logs in. This also shows off pop-ups stating about numerous infections on your PC. When you try to uninstall of remove this program, it flaunts a message that says “you need to purchase the program first in order to remove it.” But all such messages are fraudulent acts which at the end of the day result in your loss.

Security Essentials 2010 files and registry values:

. C:WINDOWSsystem32warnings.html
. C:WINDOWSsystem32helpers32.dll
. C:WINDOWSsystem32winlogon32.exe
. C:WINDOWSsystem32smss32.exe
. C:WINDOWSsystem3241.exe
. %Temp%250904.exe
. %StartMenu%Security essentials 2010.lnk
. %Desktop%Security essentials 2010.lnk
. C:ProgramFilesSecurityessentials2010SE2010.exe

Registry keys and values:

. HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun
. “Security essentials 2010”
. HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun “smss32.exe”

How to remove it – There are many steps that can be conducted to remove security Essentials 2010 from your PC.

1. Reboot your computer is “Safe Mode with Networking”. As the computer is booting tap the “F8 key” continuously which should bring up the “Windows Advanced Options Menu” as shown below. Use your arrow keys to move to “Safe Mode with Networking” and press Enter key.

2. Download one of the good and legitimate anti-malware applications and run a quick system scan. Don’t forget to update it first. All programs a free.