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This is default featured slide 1 title

You can completely customize the featured slides from the theme theme options page. You can also easily hide the slider from certain part of your site like: categories, tags, archives etc. More »

This is default featured slide 2 title

This is default featured slide 2 title

You can completely customize the featured slides from the theme theme options page. You can also easily hide the slider from certain part of your site like: categories, tags, archives etc. More »

This is default featured slide 3 title

This is default featured slide 3 title

You can completely customize the featured slides from the theme theme options page. You can also easily hide the slider from certain part of your site like: categories, tags, archives etc. More »

This is default featured slide 4 title

This is default featured slide 4 title

You can completely customize the featured slides from the theme theme options page. You can also easily hide the slider from certain part of your site like: categories, tags, archives etc. More »

This is default featured slide 5 title

This is default featured slide 5 title

You can completely customize the featured slides from the theme theme options page. You can also easily hide the slider from certain part of your site like: categories, tags, archives etc. More »


A Simple and Secure Way to Protect Your Computers

In today’s world of information technology, businesses have countless ways to communicate and collaborate; thereby creating a new global work environment that completely transcends the physical limitations of borders and distance.
But looking at the dark underside from this growing freedom is the unique openings it provides to cyber-criminals, who are constantly scheming methods and strategies to steal confidential data from individuals and organizations and a lot more.

The contemporary business network is a very different place from that of just a few years ago, and this is transforming how we approach network security. In the past, networks had clearly defined perimeters on which a protective shield could be built. Today, a typical network system may host multiple sub networks – with laptop, smart phone and PDA users – forming intersecting and constantly shifting perimeters.

The Business network that exists today is now a dynamic open space without rigid structures, which leads to a whole new set of security milestones.
Taking all this in to consideration, what we need is a Security Tool that is complete in nature and addresses all our issues without any further delay. Needless to say Kaspersky provides us with all the answers that we need.

Kaspersky’s approach is to trans-perimeter network security where protection extends beyond the workplace to reach remote users and an increasingly mobile workforce. Their main focus is to make sure that freedom and flexibility in corporate communications is fully compatible with airtight protection from contemporary security threats, such as viruses and other malicious programs, hacker attacks, spy ware and spam.
For this purpose, the company has launched a product known as Kaspersky Open Space Security.
World class products like Kaspersky has got lot better features than their nearest rivals and let us see some of them in a nutshell.
•It provides for all kinds of solution to networks platforms and nodes.
•They protect the system from all types of threat and attacks.
•Rapid response strategy is put in place to attend any problem on a first cum first serve basis.
•It has got in-built proactive technologies backed by traditional signature-based protection.
•Kaspersky security software provides protection for laptops everywhere – whether it is home, office or on the move
•Complete Protection for returning and/or guest computers on a continuous basis.
•The latest feature available in this software is a special tool called as root kit technology which protects your network from any kind of attack by cyber criminals.
•Total protection against identity theft is provided.
•Changes can be rolled back using Roll-Back technique against any duplicate or malicious software.
•The system is completely protected from all kinds of mal ware.

The main advantage of using Kaspersky is that it is really simple to use and yet it is unique and efficient altogether. It provides all kind of things needed to run a cost effective administration. Administration can be completely centralized using Kaspersky. It is easily compatible with any third party solution and network resources can also be effectively used.

Adobe Production Premium CS5.5: What makes it a cut apart!

The tech world, while raptly seeking cutting edge innovations, stumbled upon a certain Adobe CS5.5 production premium. And the world has never been the same since. This masterpiece Adobe creation is behind the most enthralling video generation of our times.

In no weasel words, high-octane video generation is synonymous to the trope, ‘Production Premium CS5.5.’ Of the many CS5.5 knock-out features, the strongest punch comes from its stunning motion stabilization.

Then again, the blazing Adobe Mercury Playback Engine adds so much verve that throwing yourself away from buying Adobe CS5.5 production premium is never an option. On your very first ride, the fluid interface will sweep you off.

Meant to wimp out tomorrow’s challenges, and conquer today’s deadlines, the Production Premium CS5.5 knocks up stunning videos under its highly augmented graphic capabilities. Features as the Roto Brush, Soundbooth, and Ultra keyer elevate video-graphics blending to whole new level of creativity. All said, what vivifies the platform is its fluid user interface which works a charm before you can wink twice.

Why Buy Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 Production Premium

With features galore, the notion to stay off Production Premium CS5.5 never exists. To have the good thing going, simply pare down this feature assembly:

• Photoshop CS5 Extended: Advanced digital imaging solution with all the editing and composition capabilities of Photoshop CS5 plus breakthrough tools that let you create and edit 3D and motion-based content

• Illustrator CS5: The essential vector tool, providing precision and power with sophisticated drawing tools and natural brushes

• Flash Catalyst CS5.5: Transform graphics and images from Illustrator & Photoshop into high-quality interactive content for web pages and user interfaces

• Flash Professional CS5.5: Create web designs with interactive content, complete with high-quality video and animation

• Premiere Pro CS5.5: Bring high-performance editing to next-generation storytelling

• After Effects CS5.5: Create motion graphics and visual effects with the industry standard

• Audition CS5.5: Create and edit audio with ease

• OnLocation CS5.5: Shoot better and faster with powerful production tools

• Encore CS5.5: Blu-ray Disc and DVD authoring

• Bridge CS5.5: Powerful media manager that provides centralized access to all your creative assets

• Device Central CS5.5: Simplifies the production of innovative and compelling content for mobile phones & consumer electronic devices

Other CS5.5 Production Premium Features:

• Industry-leading performance with the new Mercury Playback Engine

• Faster Dynamic Link

• Richer, more compelling 2D and 3D images

• Roundtrip editing with other NLEs

• Dozens of timesaving improvements Dozens of timesaving improvements

• Flash Professional for interactive video projects

• Enhanced Adobe Media Encoder

• Intuitive perspective drawing

• Native 64-bit support in After Effects

• Expanded tapeless support

• Roto Brush

• Script-to-screen workflow

• Easy online video portfolios

• Fast, accurate keying with Ultra keyer

• Integration with CS Live online services Integration with CS Live online services

• Faster multitrack audio in Soundbooth

To learn more about, visit:

Link Building Strategies (Page 1 of 2)

Link building is an approach done by SEO specialists to create inbound links to their websites. This helps websites get higher rankings in search engine results. It plays an important part in on-line marketing campaign. This could make or break your search engine position so there should be extra caution in the off-page optimization process.

There are many ways to build links. But most require a lot of patience because of the continuous and sometimes repetitious manner of doing it. Some of them are the following:

Directory Submission

When search engines were still in their infancy, directories are very much used by people to find what the are looking for. It is categorized and well organized. It is humanly edited so make sure that you are not submitting a mirror or duplicate site. Doing such will result to site being deleted. Also, avoid link farms. Even if it is a back link, it still won’t help you in your rankings. Link farm is a site where links of different categories are listed altogether. Submit to as many directories as possible.

Article Submission

Write articles and make sure that it is somehow related to your site. The reason for doing this is because at the bottom of your article, you can put a resource box which the author can make a recommendation to your site. Once article is approved, it will be an automatic link going to your site. Also, this is one way of proving that you know your business well enough to write about topics around and in it. Submit your articles to as much article sites as possible.

Press Release Submission

Press release is mainly for the promotion of your website. You will write about what’s new with your company as well as your products and services. Submitting it to numerous press release sites would also create back links because like in article submission, there is also a resource box. But the difference is that it won’t mention about the author. It will contain all about the company or the website.

Purchasing Links

This is usually being done by brand new or struggling web sites to attain high listings and increase traffic. This will be create one-way links going to your site without waiting long for it to be reviewed.

Through Email

Visit sites that you think compliment yours and find a way to contact them. The usual procedure is to email them and propose a link exchange. Wait for their response which may take weeks and when they do, start the transaction. Some do reciprocal link exchange, where two sites agree to swap links. And some offer a three-way link exchange, where one has to have 2 websites to this. You will have his link on your site and he will link bank from another site.

Blog Creating a blog for your website is also helpful because it can be published for public consumption immediately. Another advantage is that you can leave your link partner a choice if he wants to do a three-way link exchange instead of having reciprocal link exchange.