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This is default featured slide 1 title

You can completely customize the featured slides from the theme theme options page. You can also easily hide the slider from certain part of your site like: categories, tags, archives etc. More »

This is default featured slide 2 title

This is default featured slide 2 title

You can completely customize the featured slides from the theme theme options page. You can also easily hide the slider from certain part of your site like: categories, tags, archives etc. More »

This is default featured slide 3 title

This is default featured slide 3 title

You can completely customize the featured slides from the theme theme options page. You can also easily hide the slider from certain part of your site like: categories, tags, archives etc. More »

This is default featured slide 4 title

This is default featured slide 4 title

You can completely customize the featured slides from the theme theme options page. You can also easily hide the slider from certain part of your site like: categories, tags, archives etc. More »

This is default featured slide 5 title

This is default featured slide 5 title

You can completely customize the featured slides from the theme theme options page. You can also easily hide the slider from certain part of your site like: categories, tags, archives etc. More »


Church Virus Protection – 10 Ways To Improve Your Data Security

This day in age many churches are utilizing the resources the internet has to offer to spread the word and information on events to their partition, but they are unaware of the danger that their office computer is in from viruses and spyware attacks that are commonplace in the digital world.

If a church office computer contracts one of these viruses that data stored on your churches computer files can be compromised, stolen, or lost without virus protection in place. Statics show 80% of the time the church in question has not implemented any virus protection at all.

While these kind of attacks happen more often then most are aware of there are a few things that can be done to assure that your churches files and information is protected.

In order to help improve your church virus protection here are 10 ways to prevent hackers from infiltrating your system.

Install reliable anti-virus software (this is the best way to prevent viruses)

Never automatically open email attachments. Many times hackers will send a virus via email. All you have to do is open this email and your are infected

Scan all incoming email attachments before opening them. Anti-Virus protection will be able to alert you if any suspicious code exist within the attachment that could endanger your church data security

Configure anti-virus software to automatically boot when you start you computer. This works well because you will never forget to turn on the ant-virus software.

Update your anti-virus software frequently. By doing this church is assured protection from new viruses that arise.

Do not download programs from the Web from sites that you do not trust especially freeware or shareware sites, which are notorious for containing malicious scripts.

Do not boot with a disk in the drive. If the computer is booted with a disk in the drive it will automatically loads the disk. If the disk is infected it will load on to the computer without the option to scan it.

Do not share disk or usb memory drives. You do not know what or where the other person has been downloading from and you may get exposed.

You should always scan disks before using them. Anti-virus software will be able to determine whether or not a disk has been infected or not and in most cases remove the files that are corrupt.

Use common sense when using the internet. If you feel there is something wrong with a site or receive an email from someone you are not sure of their intent then chances are something is not right.

Following these 10 steps will substantially improve your church virus protection. By preventing a virus to infect your PC you protect your church and all your members. No church wants to find out that a malicious virus has wiped out all the office records. Utilizing these 10 steps will assure that this never happens.

Outlook 2 Notes Converter Requirement Begins with the Pros in Lotus Notes

There are several users that are confused regarding the usage of Outlook mailing application. The MS Office Outlook desktop mail client is an application that serves users with good and useful features that helps them to work in an eased manner that renders productive outcome. But the Lotus Notes mail client, in comparison has the best of features and security options in it that helps the users to work in way more highly productive manner and also influences them to look for a reliable Outlook 2 Notes converter tool.

Under mentioned are some of the highly
influential pros found in the Lotus Notes mail client. These advantages of NSF file generating Lotus Notes mail client has been the main reason due to which the users have been looking out for betterment and for the needed advancement the users anticipate for a better Outlook 2 Notes tool that helps them to smoothly convert their Outlook to Notes in a speedy manner.

Some Advanced Features of Lotus Notes
The IBM generated Lotus Notes mail client that runs on Domino Server is one of the leading brands for fulfilling the messaging need enterprises or personal usage.

& 61644; Renders a rich quality and one of the highly productive experience to users by supplying single point access into the email messages, calendars and its items, address book, other activities including the instant messaging, office documents, feeds, cooperative tools and the business applications

& 61644; The Lotus Notes aids its users to supervise the over sizing inboxes in a smooth process and that too with the provision of searching whole text, filtering of emails and sorting them, capability of viewing emails in conversation form and flags

& 61644; Ability to customize application widgets that help in recognizing certain kinds of patterns of texts in the documents of Lotus Notes. Hence the recognized text message can be selected without searching for it, in order to perform functions with the selective text

& 61644; The progressed duplication technology for the users is also rendered

Other than these many features that attract the users, the Lotus Notes application’s main quality is that it provides a supreme quality workflow.
Work flow Feature

With the help user customization of rules, procedures and hierarchy the workflow can be maintained in Lotus Notes. It consists of the mechanization of the procedure of the business in which a document, task or certain information is authorized from one recipient to another; manner the customization has been done.

Hence in order to stand up to the users’ expectations of experiencing such high-tech mailing application we have been providing an Outlook 2 Notes converter which helps them to convert Outlook to Notes as safely and productively as the Lotus Notes works.

Click to Information: –

Link Building Strategies (Page 1 of 2)

Link building is an approach done by SEO specialists to create inbound links to their websites. This helps websites get higher rankings in search engine results. It plays an important part in on-line marketing campaign. This could make or break your search engine position so there should be extra caution in the off-page optimization process.

There are many ways to build links. But most require a lot of patience because of the continuous and sometimes repetitious manner of doing it. Some of them are the following:

Directory Submission

When search engines were still in their infancy, directories are very much used by people to find what the are looking for. It is categorized and well organized. It is humanly edited so make sure that you are not submitting a mirror or duplicate site. Doing such will result to site being deleted. Also, avoid link farms. Even if it is a back link, it still won’t help you in your rankings. Link farm is a site where links of different categories are listed altogether. Submit to as many directories as possible.

Article Submission

Write articles and make sure that it is somehow related to your site. The reason for doing this is because at the bottom of your article, you can put a resource box which the author can make a recommendation to your site. Once article is approved, it will be an automatic link going to your site. Also, this is one way of proving that you know your business well enough to write about topics around and in it. Submit your articles to as much article sites as possible.

Press Release Submission

Press release is mainly for the promotion of your website. You will write about what’s new with your company as well as your products and services. Submitting it to numerous press release sites would also create back links because like in article submission, there is also a resource box. But the difference is that it won’t mention about the author. It will contain all about the company or the website.

Purchasing Links

This is usually being done by brand new or struggling web sites to attain high listings and increase traffic. This will be create one-way links going to your site without waiting long for it to be reviewed.

Through Email

Visit sites that you think compliment yours and find a way to contact them. The usual procedure is to email them and propose a link exchange. Wait for their response which may take weeks and when they do, start the transaction. Some do reciprocal link exchange, where two sites agree to swap links. And some offer a three-way link exchange, where one has to have 2 websites to this. You will have his link on your site and he will link bank from another site.

Blog Creating a blog for your website is also helpful because it can be published for public consumption immediately. Another advantage is that you can leave your link partner a choice if he wants to do a three-way link exchange instead of having reciprocal link exchange.